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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Do you think the bristles from this broom would make good whiskers, if I dip them in white paint first?


& I'm thinking, with the water temperature around the world rising, it may be the perfect time to begin building a large coral reef around here, for the entire population of se creatures who will be wanting to migrate to cooler climes pretty soon, now? 


For Sunday, I thought I'd amplify the sounds of the ocean around the iceberg. If you don't already know, there is a fascinating number of species living in these waters. Wonderful noise makers they are too.


& then, as the water keeps warming, I'm sure Croix would love a spongeform iceberg ....


How's that for a new made-up word? Spongeform, (sponge-e-form, 3 syllibles.)


Doesn't that creaking ice sound like an old ship at sea, when there is no wind, dense fog, & the possibility of Krakens?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear ER and MK~

Well, while you terrible pair have been plotting and washing your pesky penguins you have sent my mind off on a completely different track.


In the early 60's Australian TV was treated to a Japanese serial called Shintarō the Samurai. Apart from terrible special effects it was a fascinating insight into 18th century Tokugawa medieval Japan


The reason you reminded me is Hirooki Ogawa's opening theme was played on the shakuhachi with arrhythmic percussion on a Kokiriko (wooden clacker ). This was gentle, distinctive and alien, well worth remembering.


So you can say"curses-foiled again" as your mischief to give me a hard time has backfired:)



Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Oh MK, I was just about to suggest a hydrophone, an instrument that detects underwater sound waves, that we can subsequently amplify to go with the shakuhachi. But it turns out Croix knows all about the shakuhachi. It won’t be the stunning surprise for him we expected.


What to do now? Hmmm. I think I might need to flip on my back and float in the ocean for a bit to contemplate 🤔 There is, of course, still the real estate idea. For now I think I will gaze at the stars and let the ocean lull me to sleep. I hope I will dream of some more ways to tease the walrus and wake up inspired. I do rather like your idea of amplifying ocean sounds.



Very interesting about the Kokiriko Croix. I’ve learned about a new instrument. The TV series sounds intriguing too.


Hmmm, TV series on an iceberg. I wonder what that would look like? I wonder what genre?


Good night All 😴

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Hmm, tv series - how about absurd surrealism with musical interludes, & some sci-fi elements so I can include my rocket & show how my diving/space suit can take me anywhere from the sea floor to outer space, & still makes me look cute. Have you seen my rocket ship? It looks like this: 🐱🚀or maybe this: 🚀

We'll certainly use the hydrophone, so the soundtrack will be rich & varied during all underwater scenes - none of this business I've seen where when people are underwater there seems there is no sound but muffled talking & bubbles. There is a lot more going on underwater than that.

& in space, too, for that matter. We'll hear stars roiling, black holes collapsing, gathering matter, atmospheric events on other planets, comets whizzing, neutrinos zooming, x-rays & gamma rays zapping, whole galaxies spinning, colliding, & even tiny atoms splitting ... 

It will be epic!

Hmmm, space elevator to orbiting launch platform ... sounds good to me!

& a very long slide for the submarine tto be launched from....  & hot air balloons which can be tethered to the top of the iceberg... we will have views from every possible vantage point.

The story will be an exploration of a modern-day walrus, trials, tribulations, adventures & music, philosophy, humour, through his story telling genius from his favourite armchair.

Yes, in this modern-day world, there have to be ads - for local real estate. 


Eagle Ray
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What an outstanding, visionary plan MK! Yes, you do look cute in your diving/space suit, which I’m sure will get much use in the making of this TV series. As well as the hydrophone for underwater sounds, we can use an astrophone for space sounds. Imagine being able to transmit all those sounds to Croix on the iceberg! And the iceberg could be a great launching site for the space elevator.

And what a wonderful central theme - the life of a modern-day walrus. Surely Croix will want to be on board with this one, sharing his worldly wisdom. He can share riveting tales of doing battle with polar bears and giant squid. I can just see him in his armchair gesticulating with his flippers as he thrills worldwide audiences with walrus wonders.


I wonder if the hot air balloons may lift the iceberg up into the stratosphere? Imagine the world’s first airborne walrus! This TV series is going to be groundbreaking (possibly literally if the iceberg crashes somewhere).


 I wonder what role the kiwis and penguins might play? We may find that Croix’s storytelling is interrupted by a mix of hiccuping and snoring from the kiwis. Though that will be an authentic account of Croix’s daily trials and tribulations.

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The presence of the inebriated kiwis & (grubby) pesky penguins will ensure this production is VERY MUC BIGGER THAN 'BEN HUR'', as advertised on this marquee, & there will be more episodes than that epic movie with more chariots, more bare legs, more wrist watches to spot on the wings of kiwis & penguins alike & considerably more mayhem, not so much on land as it will be at sea, in the sky, higher than Olympus Mons  & deeper than the Marianas Trench ....  

Say, did anyone feel the iceberg tilting? I think I'd better see how well-distributed the hot air balloons are before Croix slides out of bed, or he slides off his chair, or his tea is spilling over the rim of his cup ... 

& as cute as I am, I will not be the star - that is going to be our Exquisitely Faboulous, Famous Elephant (Ef-Fe) who will take & own centre stage. I doubt anyone has ever seen so much gold Lamé in one place!    

Pleasant dreams, Croix, & everyone



* Note, I tried to use the emoji Windows offers of a cat face in a little round rocket ship. That's the one I like, but it was changed into two emojis. Now I am a 'pouting cat'. 😾 or: [LRC sulks].

Eagle Ray
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Oh dear, yes, a bit of a tilt in the iceberg. My team of stingrays are trying to hold it down on the side tilting upwards. Perhaps the arrival of Exquisitely Fabulous, Famous Elephant will help to redistribute the weight and keep the iceberg from lift-off. If it still takes off it may involve the world’s first elephant and walrus flight team, skimming across the skies on the great hunk of ice. We shall see what ensues in the night.


Yes, good night and Hugzies all!


Community Member


I wondered if anyone here is travelling, and, if so, where? I am saving to go to Bay of Islands and am cruising the web finding travel info. I wanted to be a travel agent and did a short course, but found that i liked practical better eg taking the holiday instead of selling it. Any takers, to talk about travel? Culture? Anthropology or linguistics?


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Valued Contributor

Hello Raine76

I am not one who has done much travel. It's great that you want to travel, as you say taking the holidays rather than selling them.

Culture is a really broad topic & I can't claim to know much about it, although, living in the culture we have in Australia, as I do, I may well know more than I think.

& I'm sorry, what is the 'anthology of linguistics'? Can you explain more about that.

As I have not met you before today, welcome, Raine76, to the forums.



Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Hi Raine,


I’m heading off in just over a week on an 8 day road trip. I’m taking it very easy as vulnerable with my health at present. I’m staying at 3 different towns. I’m following an Indigenous songline/dreaming track that heads from ocean to desert country.   I’ve explored parts of the songline before and actually live on it myself. At the desert end the songline borders the country my Dad grew up on. I’m not going that far on this trip. It’s spiritual country and I love connecting with the plants and animals on my journey. I’m spending a few days in one town where I will go out from, connect with places and do wildlife and landscape photography. I’ll spend a lot of time just sitting in places, taking in the energy of the place.


The Bay of Islands is an area I’d love to visit. I’ve been to the other end of New Zealand - Stewart Island/Rakiura. I loved it, especially the birds. There’s a little island in an inlet of Stewart Island. It’s called Ulva Island and is covered in Gondwanaland forest. I met a kiwi in the wild up close there. I saw rare birds there too such as Yellowheads and Saddlebacks.


Enjoy planning the trip. I love the planning as it’s the anticipation about what you may see and get to do. It’s almost as much fun as actually doing it. I’ve taken myself on several virtual holidays to parts of the world I’ll probably not get to visit, but love imagining it and seeing photos of the places and learning about them.