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Croix Parler

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Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Morning Mardi....... Beaches await you...just a short walk from my place - take your pick - all good for walking along, sitting on the foreshore under the waving palm trees gazing out at the ocean - going IN the ocean (we have both surfing and calm waters for oldies and little kids or for just floating and meditating in the peace)....throw some crumbs to the seagulls who will love you forever..let the cool sea breezes ripple your hair and wonder for the millionth time how the sky can be so blue.

Croix I am sorry I hi jacked your thread. This Parlez is yours to steer, I understand that, and will never do it again. big kiss x

Hi to Croix, Pepper, Moon, Jay, Stressless and Julie. I think I have everyone? At least from this page of the thread.

Well I have been watching this thread from afar for some time, but havent contributed until now. My psych told me yesterday that as part of my efforts to 'nurture myself' during a current flare in ptsd symptoms, that I should include watching some feel-good movies.

Last night I watched "Blindside" on tele which I enjoyed, although I'd seen it before. It has Sandra Bullock in it and I think she won some award for the roll. She was very good in it, and it also fitted the definition of 'feel good'. So I consider I have now put a tick in one of my boxes of things to do for yesterday.

Anyway, I need more suggestions ...... and I will be watching out for likely candidates. Thanks in advance.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Julie, Moon, Sherie et all.~

Well Julie I can burn water with the best, but don't mind Bryan Adams at all, for some reason Cloud Number 9 appeals. Actually the actual title reminds me of a phrase in a much older song, but I can't remember what, maybe it will come with time. Do you like Bon Jovi?

You are posting exactly the right stuff and don't sound weird at all

Now Moon, you know you are perfectly at liberty to take things over even if you do tell fibs about not doing it again - plus you forgot to say I was a dear ringer for Arnie in that list of attributes!

Sherie, that sounds a pretty good prescription, I've seen Ms Bullock in other things but not that one, it is a movie about American football if I remember. As for feel-good movies, yes. Have you watched Lion? That's about as feel-good as one can get. I thought it was great.

I've just managed to get a copy of Finding Dory, so I'll watch that this weekend


If this is an up late thread please count me in.

Did someone mention Bryan Adams? A favourite of mine for many years.

Films, or rather TV series. Who can go past Star Trek, the original series. Up late watching these DVD I received recently. I understand there is a new Star Trek series starting called Start Trek Discovery. No idea when we will see it on our screens unless you watch pay TV.


Hi All night owls.

watch out for series coming back soon called This is Us- about triplets growing up each with their specific issues but all intertwined. excellent story lines, not too heavy and super feel good moments.

My fav movie of all time is Shawshank Redemption- bad guys lose, good guys win - happy ending

Too good



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Stressless

I tried watching that movie years ago but stopped as the theme triggered memories I had troubles with. Still it was a great film and I do like Morgan Freeman. One of his I enjoyed was Invictus, I think Sherie might enjoy that one as it is like another biographical sports drama like that one with Sandra Bullock she mentioned.

I'd not heard of This Is Us, just looked it up. Do you think it will be on free-to -air?


Community Member
Quite right Croix, I have seen 'Invictus' and yes I enjoyed it.

Community Member

...Pssst, hey Croix....come over here so I can have a private word.

(don't tell anyone, just between you and me, there is another big game coming up...wish me luck?..ssssh!)

Oh Moon ....... I just overheard. I have a good sense of hearing. (-:

Another big game you say? I'll be in the wings and cheering you on. And most definitely cheering you on.


I haven't been picked for the team yet! trying to get up courage to put my name down..I may not be good enough.