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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
yes hubby helps out he has chron's so can only give me spouts here and there xx I am a fulltime carer for both my hubby and son xx I am the queen of making broken look beautiful apparently so I am told you would never know what lies beneath so to speak. thankyou so much for reaching out to me def be in here a lot more to spill my guts so to speak xx Venessa Yes that is a question I often ask myself how on earth do i cope i guess for me I don't have a choice he relys on me fullforce so i just pray to the wonderful man above to give me strength to keep going everyday and if i feeling a bit down myself funny enough i get on here and help others out 🙂

Hi Croix (and everyone else of course),

Someone told me to check out Miscast on YouTube and I've been loving it so thought I'd share the joy. Basically it's giving people on Broadway a chance to sing things they'd never be cast as (like a group of guys singing Cell Block Tango from Chicago).

Hi again Venessa 😊 I saw you have a thread of your own which I will get to when I am able I'm a bit burnt out for now but I wanted you to know I think you are fantastic and I'm looking forward to reading your thread.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks xx in your own time my thread won't be flying away any time soon 😉

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Quercus et al.~

Thanks for the Miscast tip, I thought the tango was great!

If you'd have been there
If you'd have seen it
I betcha You would
Have done The same!


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Venessa~

I hope you can continue to do what you do very well, lending hope and encouragement to others.


Community Member

"he had it comin'..."

Haha thanks Croix glad you enjoyed it too and you too Moon?

My contribution today is not music as such but my goodness did it make me laugh!

Someone told me to search on youtube "starwars bad lipreading seagulls" it's Yoda singing a song based on someone lip reading the movie badly. God did I laugh. Hope you do too 😊

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Quercus et al.~

I can truly say I've never seen anything more bizarre


Community Champion
Community Champion

forgot the smiley 🙂

Any other contributions welcome, and no I"m not going to listen to the one with D Trump in it!


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Sorry Croix my sense of humour is a bit strange 😊.

I'll try again.... (Not music or crazy songs this time don't stress!)

I'm reading "The New Manhood" by Steve Biddulph it is a beautiful book. I was looking for "Raising boys" at the library and got this instead. I wish it was compulsory reading for boys in school. I'm going to give my son a copy when he's older.