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Croix Parler

Community Champion
Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Member

hi,just thought i would put my paw here and say hello and thank you,bless you's all


Hi Croix,

I hope you have had a good weekend.

Just a quick stopover on your thread with a musical offering.

La sortie by Samuele. It's in a French and I wouldn't have a clue what the lyrics mean...I just like the sultry, sassy sound that makes me want to get up and dance.

Dottie xxx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie et al.~

Thanks for putting me on to Samuele. I've not found a translation for La Sortie (The Way Out), probably because Canada is a smaller market, however as far a I can see it is not about being limited by anything, sexual stereotype, work/role, place in society etc. I enjoyed it.

I did find out something about her views which resonate pretty well, one of the best I guess is:

Les filles sages vont au paradis, les autres vont où elles veulent (Good girls go to heaven, others go wherever they want)

I've read it is somewhat similar to Tori Amos’ Cornflake Girl, maybe a little alike, though different subject (betrayal by those we trust).


Community Member

Hi Croix,

Haha completely unsurprised that you tried looking up the translation. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm also glad to hear that it's a song about not being limited.

I looked up Cornflake Girl and there are some similarities in terms of sound so I get the comparison.

Dottie xxx

Community Member

Hayley Mills turned 71 two days ago in case you're interested. This piece of news has absolutely nothing to do with anything - but I take comfort in the fact that no matter how old I get..these lovely ladies are all older than I am - Hayley, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn, Suzie Quatro, the girls from Abba, and many more I am sure......long may they shine!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Oh Hello Moon~

I'm pleased to see you as you were stressing a bit this morning (something we must both have in common). Yes you are right about those ladies - plus Diana Rigg whom we talked about before.

Susan Sarandon? - oh yes, Louise from Thelma & Louse I think.

Long may you shine too Moon!

Croix ( I just thought: Moon + Shine - Moonshine! - Oh boy I'm getting good:)

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thelma and Louise... but Thelma (Geena Davis) is the hot chick.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Um - well far be it for me to express a divergent view S.B. (even if you are misguided:)


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Now you can read up on the real me my thread is done. As for tonight the overall pressure of these last couple of months have just got to me and have been for a couple of weeks now. I sculled a bottle of moscato like it was water could have downed another but I though I better not have to drive in the morning i just loved how it just took everything away for that hr or two not lightheaded anymore that's the only feeling I got it's lolly water lol. With how exhausted I am and just how overwhelmed I am by the autism world atm I said to my hubby chocolate and wine everyday sound like a very nice diet if only it didn't have enormous consequences. When sleep deprived I spiral and usually I am able to pick myself up but just in these last couple of months I slip 8 times and only get up 4times I guess that's the nature of mental illness 😞 nice to speak with you xx Venessa

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Venessa~

Well you found your way here ok, I'm pleased.

You sound like you have an awful full plate at the moment, money plus emotion - not good things to have on top of you. I suspect you are like some who keep the outside looking ok, even when the inside is a mess. That takes strength too.

I'm glad you stuck to one bottle, would not want you skittled on the road tomorrow - or skittle someone else I guess. Looking after any child is exhausting at times, trying to look after an autistic child is all the time. One of my family has one -6 years old, frankly I don't know how anyone copes.

Is there anyone to spell you while you get some sleep? You mentioned hubby - any good there?

I have to stop, bit too tired to see the keyboard (plus screen becomes a nice soothing blurr:)

I'm glad you found this place, please come as often as you'd like. Heavy or light, all is ok.
