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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Hi Croix,

I'm glad you enjoyed the 3 interpretations. I'll have to look up Riviera Life- thanks for the recommendation.

Moon, that's quite an impressive list there! You have been keeping Croix busy ha, ha.

Dottie x

Community Member

knock knock

hi im bored,read some post here i found interesting,plus me and croix got more than one thing in comon.i guess you had the fuji rabit in au,when i saw it it reminded me of the lambretta.

any way not a fan of amy whinehouse and i cant listen to songs like skinny love or the distillers,if i do some one comes along and puts on louis prima-angelina.not much of a book reader either.if im silent for to long not to worry im just listening.

ciao all.

Community Member

I confused you a bit Croix, sorry. "The Roar of the Greasepaint"...I wasn't referring to the actual show...it was just a throw-away quip I used in relation to theatre and why actors are lured back there again and again "it's the roar of the greasepaint the smell of the crowd" as Newley so uniquely put it...

....I can't talk for long as I am exhausted.... Yes Monica wrote the Follyfoot stuff I think, but I was never into the horsey side of her.....I loved her adult ones, I started with "Kate and Emma"....they were actually a bit semi autobiographical...she obviously drew quite a bit on her own real life experiences and people throughout them.

catch u later......

Aren't you playing the "One Sentence at a time story building" game any more?

Despite appearing to be taking over this thread and replying to myself...(sorry about that) I had to register that I did see your latest contribution to the One Sentence at a time Storyline...Croix! Good to see you are awake and alert!

I just thought of Edith Piaf to add to my music favourites.

Je ne regrette rein....and If You Love Me, Really Love Me......very emotive. I always relate songs to memories of certain people. When I have this playing in the car....I feel like racing as fast as I can to his side again....I probably will do just that one day in the future!

I think it was author C S Lewis who mentioned the common thread running through all the greatest love poetry back through the centuries......."Unattainability".....think about it!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~

Take over as much as you wish - most welcome. To see you write in happiness is a tonic.

I've already added my 2¢'s worth to the Mlle Piaf selection you made.

I prefers Lewis' quote:

Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained

Chacun à son goût I guess. BTW your classical education is showing!

As for the One Sentence... , every time I try to put a spanner in the works some else turns it to advantage:)


Community Member

I find these really raise my energy if I have to get pumped up for anything.......William Tell Overture, Orpheus in the Underworld (Can Can) played really fast.......even the old football anthem, Up There Cazaly by Mike Brady...(I have NO connection with football whatsoever).

and if you can find it on Utube.....Love Changes Everything (from Aspects of Love) sung by Michael Ball at the Albert Hall tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber. Very uplifting...try and find it Croix.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon~
Well I found it. I would never have guessed you were a romantic. BTW who was the geezer in the red 'aCCliam' T shirt? Looked a little nnder-dressed in that company.

The footy song I like belongs to Everton F.C. in the U.K.

Now I realize you are only a hatchling, but for those of us of an older vintage it may be recognized as the Z-Cars theme.

Not many know the words:
Johnny Todd he took a notion
For to cross the ocean wide.
There he left his true love a-weeping
Waiting by the Liverpool tide.

For a week she wept full sorely,
Tore her hair and wrung her hands
Till she met with another sailor
Walking on the Liverpool sands.

Not sure who comes out of that looking worse, Johnny or the maid.

I'm listening to Offenbach's Infernal Galop at the moment. Unfortunately when I was a schoolboy in Paris I had no interest in the Can-Can or such at all - quel malheur!

Bonne chance bowling


Community Member

Glad you found it Croix. the guy in the red shirt?...not sure who he is...but he's probably dressed for some part he played in one of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals. Did you notice Glenn Close (in costume from Sunset Boulevarde) leading lady Elaine Paige and others?

Yes you have found me out....I confess I am a romantic fool.

Merci for the good wishes - I believe I will rise to the occasion but a couple of the others need to lift their game a little. When I get home from practice I am so pumped it takes ages for me to get tired enough to go to sleep!! I believe I will have an ice-cream drumstick.....I may even have two!! Good night, sweet dreams!

Hi Croix (+ shoutout to your growing fan club on BB),

It's been enjoyable reading the banter here as well. Hi dueb and Moon!

Little to say other than I have been obsessed with Conan Gray's You Think I'm Crazy. Now, it won't be everyone's cup of tea- and that's totally cool- but hey, it's certainly mine 😊

Dottie x