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Croix Parler

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Community Champion

I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie et al.~

As usual when you mention a song or artist that appeals I have a quick look in case I like it too. Here I was struck by the youth and gentleness of the singer Conan. I had a look further and listened to him talking about himself, how he always ran to bed, and how sometimes he wished he was invisible for a few seconds.

Looks like he went to about as many schools as I did, though my parents were not divorced when I was 3, as his were.

I guess in some way with moving round so much and swapping friends each time YouTube became a sort of home for him.

I read the lyrics on one screen whilst watching him on another. Again looks a little young for those words , unless his missing family features in them somewhere.

And all the memories I wished away
They stayed

Sad. Not sure I want to listen again. There's so much in the world.

I'm rambling,



Community Member

Hey Croix.....do you know Have I The Right? by The Honeycombs? Really old one - it would have to be the SEXIEST song I've ever heard! Find it on u tube if you can....(if you dare!)

My big game begins this week - the last thing a person with anxiety would usually even attempt to do!

Up There Cazaly, & Love Changes Everything, Can Can, and every other motivational, pump yourself up number I can think of is gonna get a big work-out this week I suspect! Close your windows, neighbours - you have been warned!

Can you recommend any I can look for - that would psych a person up to "Win, Succeed, Score A Goal" etc?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moon & Dottie~

Moon: Good luck, I thought the Honeycombs looked so young and clean-cut, I remember the song well thought -just for me you understand - it would not deserve that appellation.

For rousing -in a different vein - try The Liberty Bell March - John Philip Sousa

Dottie: Thanks, whatever the reason, you rescued me from my thread, which I'm finding a very difficult one to go to. I'm glad you don't think of me as an 'example'. Had 48hrs off. Will argue with you later 🙂


Community Member

Hi Croix,

I'm glad- in some bizarre, unexpected way- that my tendency to go on weird tangents helped distract you for a bit.

Sure, there's no rush. Whenever you feel like it, you can elaborate on your understanding of "immediate circle" because I recall you wanted to explain.

Take care and rest up!

Dottie xxx

Community Member

Hi there Croix.....yes that Liberty Bell March is in the "Hooked on Sousa"section on my Hooked On Classics that I play endlessly in the car on my way to, and after practice! They're played a bit faster and more furious on the CD which makes them even more rousing and fabulous!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie, Moon et al.~

Moon: That's a pretty good set of CD's, something for every occasion. So when does the big bowl start? Also I'm very glad you've found a thread to discuss matters and ask important questions, you could not have picked a better place.

Dottie: Decided not to talk about immediate circle. Anyone who posted as you did to Moon should be teaching me the facts of life:)

I rely on instinct and let the words flow -yes!

On less serious matters I listened to Tom Waits- God's Away on Business and it really appealed, not just the music and gravelly voice - but the rather cynical lyrics too.

I went and saw I, Claude Monet this morning. I'm still processing it however my overall impression is stunning. While I'm not a huge fan of his paintings - I like them - particularly the early ones -but there is no 'resonance' with me, however the whole presentation was superb!

The photography had a most difficult task, to show original related scenes, to meld painting and scene, and to traverse paintings in a natural manner that enhanced the picture. All that was done, and the original simple piano score complemented everything.

Readings from his letters were the whole script - and more than enough. His trials came though as ghastly, though in the end he was, I hope, in a pretty good place.

He felt it deeply that he was the only surviving member of the French Impressionists, and some of their works (Renoir, Degas... ) are displayed too.

I'd suggest if you get the chance - go see it.

What are you listening too now -is it still Conan?


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Community Champion

P.S. Dottie: Got distracted and forgot to say: sometimes if I'm very lucky I'll go to write something and the words will almost write themselves - seemingly from nowhere, then I'll look at them and sense they are a good fit -what needed to be said, they might just need tweaking, not need writing from scratch. Do you find that?


Community Member

Hi Croix,

Apologies for the late response. But here I am ha, ha.

About Conan's You Think I'm Crazy and your thoughts on how you think he is "a little young for those words." Sorry, I'm afraid that I have to politely disagree because how can he be too young for something that he wrote (?) Also, I don't think pain and loss is something that older people have a monopoly on. He may have been referring to abuse he suffered when he was much younger (i.e. in that line).

Ah yes, it is a sad song. I keep forgetting that you don't do sad songs. Probably for the best that you don't listen to it again. Thank you for giving it a go though 😊

I, Claude Monet sounds visually spectacular. A feast for the senses! It sounded as though the various elements complemented each other seamlessly.

Yeah, sometimes if my instincts is strong enough, it does feel as though the words write themselves. I don't do too much tweaking. Aside from keeping an eye on the posting rules, I don't really edit or overthink my posts a lot. That's not to say that I never do it but I don't spend much time doing it.

The reason is because I try to keep it colloquial and as though I was talking to a friend. It's partly why a lot of my posts contain "I don't know what to say" because that's often the very line that appears in my head. I leave it in to keep it natural sounding.

I mean, I'm not here to win the Nobel prize for literature or to "shrink" anyone or to act as any sort of "expert." At best, I can give suggestions but I'm not here to tell anyone what to do or what the right or wrong course of treatment is (that's something that varies from person to person). I just- within reason- write whatever I want to write.

I'll have to check out God's Away on Business!

Talk later,

Dottie xxx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Dottie~

I probably did not express myself very well.

I meant he was very young, the words were sad. I was sad to see someone so young having to deal with things like that. I was sad there were times he wished himself invisible. Of course pain and loss know no age barriers. And yes sad is not my favorite, but I listen.

I hope you enjoy Tom Waits, he is worldly and cynical, but with strength; for me a good combo.

I hope you are managing 1st semester ok. I'm glad you can write as you do,


Community Member

Hi Croix,

Thanks for clarifying. Appreciated it. Yeah, he had some difficult experiences earlier on.

Ah, I waffled on about writing mostly to explain my writing process. It's mostly just gut (nothing more and nothing less). I save my brain for uni and offline soapbox moments ha, ha.

I hope you're doing okay. Keep being your awesome self!

Dottie xxxx