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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.
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randomx said:Think l better walk away from the daily update for awhile this stuffs getting into my head again.
l only want the numbers and l only want those bc l hope for some good news. And the update's on right when l come in from work for a coffee so l supposedly have a quick check and then switch it off , but of course l often end up watching it all in the end.l'll have to check out for a few days, maybe there'll be some good news then.
Hey rx
I just saw your post on my way out of this thread...
Just wanted to let you know that YouTube has approx 2 - 3 minute clips of our Premier delivering the latest stuff.
So if you HAVE to have a fix of some information, you can make it "short" (never sweet lately anyway) and be done.
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Hiya em.
Haaaa, that would be chopped down that's for sure. This guy goes on an hour, l dunno how he repeats so many numbers and lines just over and over. l'll check it out.
Anyway , l've waited two wks with work and done other things instead so that l can hopefully actually get into the hardware's as per usual , and pick up my supplies, as per usual,,,,,,wronggggg. ! That ain't gonna happen any time soon.
l had to bite the bullet Thurs , ok l'll do this ridiculous bs this once and that's it damn it. l'd thought very carefully about the exact supplies l'd need to keep me working 3 more wks. l can't funtion like this l need to go and pick my stuff and prices out myself butttt, l did it. Went up to their sill table and ribben at the door , gave him my list with exact brands and sizes of everything and said fetch fido - no l didn't really say that bit . Be damned , 2 of them came back in about 15 , with all my stuff down to a T. They pass it all over this silly ribbon and table to you l mean what the - just move the damn table , no no can't do that.
Anyway got my supplies, gotta wonder though , is this really happening.
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Just last wk l found a news on the radio at work , 11.30 am. That's great too , he skips through the numbers and whats going on in a minute or two and boom , your done. So if anyone else just wants to know just fast and light , check out some of the radio news too.
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Hey rx
I'm really hearing you.
I feel this lock down clamping down around us even more tightly now.
I can feel the pressure in my chest over the responsibilities I'm burdened with - yep burdened I used that word lol.
After this post I'll visit my garden for grounding and to BREATHE.
Last night youngest daughter's boss called and told her (info that's been confused on line so go figure - who KNOWS what's correct!) she's been in close contact with a "close contact" & needs to ditch work until she's tested etc.
So now my whole family need to quarantine, get tested, not attend work etc. My kids are all casual workers so no pay until .....
And the testing stations here are closed until tomorrow. Thanks guys!
go do this and go do that and travel with this document and that document and NO we can't because the systems are NOT set up to do so "in a timely manner". WE, as in my FAMILY, react instantly but the systems are not set up to COPE with what we are TOLD to do.
Who's fault is that?
Who can WE blame when we're pulled over and drilled, charged?
The Govt? lol right.
If I'm rostered ON for work tomorrow then I have to use more leave which is fast running out.
Yes I'm complaining.
Okay back to gratitude.
I'm GRATEFUL I have awesome health and so do all my kids living at home.
I'm grateful I saved money and can ride things out for a while.
I'm grateful I've had offers of help from a friend and some family. (Family surprised me lol).
Now to my garden... talk soon.
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Damn , whata bloody nightmare em.
Wish there was something l could say.
Permits to hey , what can ya say.
Actually l find out Thurs l'm suppose to have one here to now lf l need to go more than 5k l think it is. My brothers got one he works for himself to and got pulled up and checked twice last wk , are you kidding me. l'm up on the coast we've pretty well been doing what we want 18mths now there's no cases within 100s of k . Suddenly after all that time now l need permits ,wt, not playing l'm afraid.
l know it will be very different where you are and God almighty , l dunno.
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Well rx welcome to the beginnings of it - again.
I wish you all the best navigating through the mire like we do 24/7.
I worked so hard in my garden today, came up inside and I'm STILL furious!! lolol... I have to laugh at myself because I seldom EVER get this mad over anything!
I've been titled as having "the patience of Job" from the Bible, so many times, and well, it ran out!
Well from the hoards of ppl I know (and remember I'm not on any social media - I ACTUALLY KNOW these people - like know them lol) you are best to take SCREENSHOTS of the most recent updated rules and restrictions to SHOW police when they pull you over.
Because seriously, they haven't kept up!
My friends have been pulled over, told this and that then shown the police SCRIPTS from govt websites and lo and behold... were allowed to drive away with no charges.
I'm 100% Pro law enforcement but this is not law enforcement. It's nuts.
Either police are exhausted (as I'm sure they would be) or worse, power gone crazy.
And "security" (not) at shopping centres WOW. Most I've seen have been polite and courteous, just getting through their shifts and getting home.
THEN there's the ones who stand there shouting and arguing in front of little children who are crying.... yes I saw this with my own eyes VERY sadly. I was dismayed at the state of some people's attitudes.
Who are these people?
My community has been torn to shreds.
And then my heart and mind go to the most vulnerable people and I shudder to think how on earth they can get through this.
We'll have SO MUCH healing to do. We already had so much healing to do in so many sectors.
I'm not even saying the worst of what my friends and their colleagues have experienced.
I have to learn how to order food online now... throw it on the pile.
Then I worry about those without money to buy any food and my heart sinks all over again.
I can't even drive food to my Church Food Pantry. Not that people are allowed to drive there either.
What a mess.
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Im honestly glad this exists cause I'd be in such a worse place without having a place to share.
Im at the the point of having no hope left anymore. After spending 5 years at uni to come out and have every ripped out from under me and to not even get to experience a uni graduation ,I honestly dont know how to get past this. The longer it goes on and seeing the numbers increasing is more and more depressing cause its putting more nails in the coffin. Im getting tired of being tired of all this and the society that shows the rich getting richer the poorer getting poorer and everyone just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. When is it going to be over and when will we be able to view each other as equal and not judge based on employment status or the life that person lives.
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I just feel so hopeless tonight, I feel like my old life is gone and is never coming back.
There is no hope. There is nothing we can do to try to improve our situation. I don’t know what the point of getting up each day even is any more.
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Thanks for reaching out tonight,
We're sorry to hear how hopeless you feel. We acknowledge how limiting and powerless it can feel to be living in lockdown. If you feel up to it, we'd recommend reaching out to our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website is regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. You can also call our dedicated support line, staffed by mental health professionals, which is available 24/7 on 1800 512 348.
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Anne.....I feel the same. lost all hope.