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Will I ever be normal?

Community Member

I know it’s like asking how long is a piece of string but is recovery possible and how long does it take on average when I have been suffering untreated anxiety for most of my life.

I have sought treatment 12 months ago and have been having therapy on a regular basis and have made tiny improvements but the anxiety still has control and as much as I want to I can’t seem to let go of my past

Will I ever be normal or am I destined to have this the rest of my life?

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Scruffy

Good on you for the thread topic!

I understand your situation as I used to have chronic anxiety for a while. You are proactive with your health by having frequent appointments with your doc for the last 12 months....Good! I also left my chronic anxiety untreated for over 12 years in my 20's and my anxiety only became worse....oops

Good News though!.....The severity of anxiety feelings (or attacks) do decrease over time with determination patience and a strong will to heal. I have been using a small dosage of antidepressants every day since 1996 which reduced my anxiety by approx 60%...It was a huge relief Scruffy.

The meds are never a fix all unfortunately as the anxiety requires super regular counseling to really leave it impotent. Our fear of the anxiety keeps it 'alive'.

Just a note....I still see my GP every 4 weeks for a tune up and my psychologist every 4 months to reduce my 'fear' of the anxiety.

The forums are a secure and non judgemental place where you can post or ask any questions that you have!

I know what you mean by 'normal' yet I am 58 and havent met a normal person in my life.

Can I ask if your anxiety effects your ability to function on a day to day basis?

you are not alone at all Scruffy

be gentle with yourself


Normal, the unicorn of the mental health industry. I'm with blondguy on this, if you ever think you have met a normal person, you just need to get to know them a little better. Everyone is messed up in their own special way (less explicit version of my favourite saying). Anxiety is a big issue, finding it's triggers, can help, sometimes it's just generalised anxiety/worry/stress, other times it's situational, public speaking, job interviews, making eye contact with attractive women 🙂 If you say you can't let go of your past, is it fear? a memory causing the anxiety? they do have therapies for some causes, and even medications that may work for some, even hypnotism (apparently this works for some). I wouldn't worry about being normal, maybe just being better at being you, normal is the unicorn everyone claims to be or have seen.

Community Member
Hi Scruffy1!
Just wanted to let you know speaking from experience - it does get easier! The scariest thing I had to come to terms with was that anxiety would probably be something I have to MANAGE for the rest of my life, but that does not mean that I have to SUFFER for the rest of my life (same goes for you). There is a big difference. Don't let the thought of having an anxiety disorder be a source of anxiety itself. Keep seeing your counsellor and you will no doubt get a handle on your emotions in no time. The more you understand how you feel and why, the easier things will get.

Hang in there,
You're not alone.

Community Member

Hi Scruffy,

I'm not sure it's helpful to think in terms of 'normal'. I don't think the world is so starkly divided between people with mental illness, and people without. You will not magically jump from one side of the barrier to the other, because that barrier doesn't exist. You are better off thinking in terms of 'will I ever manage my personal situation successfully?'

The answer is yes! What I've learned since first experiencing anxiety is that it is not something you cure. It will naturally ebb and wane, but you can make that waning stretch out into a long, long time, and you can acquire tools so that the ebbs are not so difficult to deal with. It is unlikely that anxiety will ever completely go away, but you can certainly learn to manage it, and have many successes and enjoy happiness!

You are not destined to be unhappy and anxious for the rest of your life. It might not seem like it right now, but you can feel better. Following the prescribed steps isn't always what brings about a change. Talking to a psychologist and having a MH plan is great, but it might be a tiny thing which improves your mental health, like a conversation with a friend or a seemingly insignificant experience. Improvements will come, and they will probably come faster if you take the recommended steps (as you have). The most difficult part is patience 🙂

Community Member
I deal with anxiety and think the same thing but I can tell you if your type is curable so just reply with your type of anxiety