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Why do I feel / How do I stop feeling really unhappy when someone I don't really know unfriends me

Community Member

Hello, I'm coming here because I couldn't really find anything else, and this happens pretty much every time something like this happens.


I'll just be looking at messages/gc's and sometimes I'll see that someone's unfriended me. I think all of the cases have been people I don't really know all too well, but it makes me feel awful. I question all of my past interactions with the person trying to just understand why, like if I did something wrong I'd wanna apologise because that wouldn't have been my intention! 


I know that usually it's for some other reason and that the person probably doesn't spitefully hate me, but like it really wears on me, and I usually can't sleep for ages or even do other things. 

I guess what I'm asking is there anything I can tell myself or any ways to stop thinking about this, since it ultimately doesn't matter but yeah...

1 Reply 1

Community Member

You're quite right: it ultimately doesn't matter. Just tell yourself that it is likely nothing personal and there is nothing wrong with you, it's just that this 'friendship' isn't meant to be. Maybe you have misaligned values. If they've unfriended you, it's likely the friendship would not have flourished in real life. Remind yourself it's nothing to worry about, you've done nothing wrong, and you will have real freindships both online and in real life.