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University resulting in anxiety!

Community Member

Hi! Does anyone else feel so anxious about uni, I feel as though I’m not good enough, not smart enough! I have poor time management skills and my anxiety causes me to procrastinate! Leaving assignments late and therefore I stress!! I know this is a common feeling but if any of you have anxiety and also study let me know of any tips that help you feel motivate and strive! I’m really feeling the stress right now being mid semester and all. Comparing myself to other students and doubting myself a lot…. I need advice on how to overcome my negative thoughts. Thank you! 

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi, there.

I'm also studying a degree and I'm doing it online. 

Don't compare yourself to other students - it's not a competition. What matters is YOU. Ps get Degrees, just remember that. 

As for your assignments, maybe set aside half an hour a day, or every second day. Look at the keywords in the question and look in your reading/study materials for the right text/answers, using whatever reading strategies suit you, speed-reading etc. Can you copy the material into a word document and then do a search for keywords and phrases? Practise paraphrasing key points when you are reading, because then you will have 'answers' ready for your assessments (if they're in essay form). 


THe uni likely has a support or counselling service if you're overwhelmed. Avail yourself of it. Look on any online discussion boards for student support - it's out there. 

Think how great you'll feel when all this is over. Do you have long to go? It's worth it, trust me!