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Diabetes T2

Community Member

Have been living with anxiety for many years though I can go for long periods without it really being a problem. 

Recently diagnosed with diabetes T2 and anxiety has really ramped up ever since. Tried different meds, side effects, just getting my head around the diagnosis itself, and new and old weird body sensations. 

Just so sad and anxious…

6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Guest_2496~

Welcome back. Being diagnosed wiht T2 Diabetes is a real pain and can cause you a great deal of worry. I have read your previos posts and you do find you worry about matters a lot.


T2 is manageable. My first partner had the same thing and did find it made her have to take much more care of herself (not a bad thing, even for someone of our age:) and also take medication (though I'm not sure all Type T2s have to long term).


She joined Diabetes Australia and though them the National Diabetes Services Scheme which provides a fair amout of assistance, my apologies if I'm telling you something you already know. Apart from the meds she was able to live a full life.


It is very easy for someone who gets anxious to things the worst will happen (I have an anxiety condition and tend to do this). I find It can take someone else whose opinion I respect to give me a more realistic view. Do you have anyone in your life who you can rely upon to do that?


Please do say how you get on if you wish, I would like to know.





Community Member

Hi Croix , thanks for your reply. 

I guess I only have medical people for advice and having health anxiety doesn’t help. I do have an appointment with a psychiatrist lined up which I’m both dreading, and wishing was sooner!!


 Someone supportive in my life / all our lives would help but I don’t have that so just have to get on with it. 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Guest_2496~


Yes, having just the medical professional to guide you may be fine for the technical side of medications and the body's physical condition and needs however it is not ideal when you are stressing at home.


Hopefully your psychiatrist will be able to assist wiht health anxiety. Could I suggest if you feel you will not be able to present your circumstances and feelings accurately in the face to face consultation that you do as I've done and jot down everything on half a page in point-form during the few days beforehand and then give this over. It seems to work quite well and been appreciated by the doctors as a list to work form.


I"m not sure you are quite alone for advice if you are thinking the worst about your health -or anything else. Our own 24/7 help line may be able to assist, I'd suggest you try it, explain your current worry and see what they say.


I'd be interested to know how you get on




Community Member

Thank you Croix 

Community Member

Hi Guest2496,


I have anxiety about developing T2 as both my parents were affected later in life.


Being 56 and menopausal and having gained a lot of weight in the last year is making me feel even more concerned. I am too scared to even go to get a test for it. I could be pre diabetic.


From my experience caring for my dad and managing his condition was a little stressful especially as my mother baked a lot. My dad was cautious however he loved all the wrong foods.


Dad’s diabetes was triggered by a long bout of pancreatic infection. Following this he was insulin dependent. My mother however was able to control her diabetes with careful diet and she eventually came of her medication.


It’s a relief that it can be controlled and in some cases reversed if caught early enough.


When you say that you have new and weird sensations that is your body telling you something. You will get to know what these sensations are. My dad instinctively felt when his blood sugar levels were high or low.


All the very best and reach out for support. Fiatlux 🙏🏼


Thanks for your reply Fiatlux  - helpful and supportive. So good your mother was able to get off medication 😀. Fingers crossed for that. 
I hear you about not wanting to take the test - what about a few finger prick tests at the chemist for reassurance now and then? 
I actually found out by chance when testing for something else and felt better before starting meds!! Anyway…onwards I go.