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What are the best books for you to deal with anxiety?

Community Member

Lately, I started noticing that reading have had a great impact on my anxiety. I am much calmer and optimistic now.

The last book a read was a great one named: Worry Free LIfe: 15 quick lessons on How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear That can Change Your Life by Marcos Lima. This book came with a course that really helped me to stop my panic attacks. I think everyone should have a look at it. I found it on Amazon


What about you? What are the best books that you guys read to overcome anxiety and how it has helped improve your lives?
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi MichaelJo!

Reading really helps my anxiety as well! I should check out the book you recommended!

I really like the The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive. It really taught me that a lot of my anxiety stems from putting a lot of pressure onto myself and having negative self-talk. One of the best things I learnt from the book was to talk to myself as I would a friend! You would never put a friend down but we do it to ourselves all the time.

Community Member
Hi MichaelJo!

I will add that book you recommended to my reading list! I also really like the suggestion you've made missep! Always good to have more helpful books like these on hand. I actually have a good small story about a book that I found just a few months ago!

I was visiting my grandfather's place and had been feeling really low at the time, due to a lot of conflict going on in my life. I saw that there was a Lifeline second hand store on the street, so I decided to go out on a limb and check it out. I guess it felt relevant to me at that time. I found on the shelf a book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff", the lady said it had been just added that day!

I took it home and started to read it right away, it instantly helped and I still read it every now and then. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson! It really helped my anxiety, stopping me from blowing things out of proportion!

Hello Everyone

A series of books I have found helpful are written by Bev Aisbett. Living with IT, Living IT Up, Letting IT Go. IT is anxiety and depression. There is also a book called Taming the Black Dog, depression. Short easy reads but with a great message and some amusing drawings. While they are written in a light-hearted manner the message is serious. Have a go.
