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I feel anxious and guilty for standing up for myself

Community Member
I run my own business. I've been going above and beyond on a client project for 3 months. Yesterday I was let go 4 days before the end of the project with no notice. I told the client contact that I was disappointed by their behaviour as I could have filled in that time with other work if I'd known. I know that was a reasonable thing to complain about but I was treated as though I was being a drama queen. The client contact just said something to the effect of 'I'm just the middle man, these are shit times, and here are all 50399978 problems too!' so it just turned into a guilt trip and how none of it was their fault. It's got me really knotted up inside... not because of the money (that's not urgent) but because right now is a shit time, and it's really disappointing to see people treating people without common decency. I should mention this business operates in the mental health field, especially supporting people through uncertainty, so it borders on being unethical. I'm kind of proud that I stood up for myself as this is not easy for me to do. However, it's given me so much anxiety to have ended things on bad terms. I didn't want it to be taken personally, but I wanted to point out the unprofessionalism and lack of ethics. I've tried to talk about this to my partner but he keeps saying 'well, you should have done XYZ before it happened.' That's just not very helpful for the now though. I just need to move past the knot in my stomach feeling. How can I do this?
1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I relate strongly. I was told once by a therapist “Tony, when are you going to stop saving the world?” And “there is 8 billion people with a mentality of various shades of grey- yet you expect them to be as black and white like you” It got me thinking- my expectations is for everyone to have my own moral compass, sadly they don’t.

I ran a small investigation business in the last 18 years of my working life following many employee positions. Initially I was loyal and soft, easily taken advantage of including not raising my own hourly rate. I found that others raised theirs and most didn’t do as good a job. So- no more Mr nice guy- emailed all 8 of my clients with a new hourly rate and km allowance. Next day 2 were ok the rest complained in a rude manner like “you can’t do that” I had to remind them I’m not an employee so if they choose to put me full time on the payroll I’ll consider it. Luckily I worked in regional areas so they needed me.

The world is ruthless and unfair. Loyalty is adverse to business mentality - google

beyondblue topic only the strongest survive- make it you

Defences can be wanting also. Trusting others is automatic for the vulnerable

beyondblue topic fortress of survival (also part 2)

That thread covers the steps of trust we should embark on with relationships.

I don’t think it is fair your husband making the “should have” comments. Blame is not being supportive but it is common with partners in long term relationships as they know our weak points and exploit them. I think if that annoys you too much then relationship counseling is necessary as a counselor will highlight it as well as your own faults which isn’t a bad thing. The point is that he wasn’t in your position- you were.

Moving on takes time but you will recover. I think you were wise to write in.

beyondblue topic do you cry over spilt milk?

Repost anytime, here or in those threads
