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Workers Comp Anxiety

Community Member


I have been on WC since November last year for anxiety and panic attacks, this has continued on and I have been on such a roller coaster ride with the insurance company and old employee. I also note I have never been on WC before and I am learning so much, I feel everyone is be deceitful and just wanting me to be back at work.

Since leaving my old work place last year as it was toxic I have taken on 2 jobs as I have felt so pressured by my rehab provider, both attempts have lead to me being unwell and pressured each position only lasting 4 weeks.

My insurance have said they are going to stop my payments as they believe I have the capacity to work as all certificates said I could until recently I said to my doctor no I am unfit I do not want any more pressure to go back, I really want to take this slower instead of feeling pushed into just taking a job to keep the circle happy forgetting about why I an actually in this situation.

I have spoken to a solicitor they are taking over for me to relive my pressure due to also having covid-19 its been very tuff. I have just started talking with a Phycologist under the WC and I feel they are just being the same as my job rehab provider. I feel I just don't want to talk to these people anymore they don't understand what I go through on a daily basis. I also have a daughter and she has been seeing me on this emotional roller coaster ride its not right on her I just want my life back.

I know this is a short version on the event but has anyone been through this journey.

I feel its getting to the point I want to tell all of them to get …….

love to hear you're thoughts

2 Replies 2

Hey Lyndakaren, welcome to the Beyond Blue community. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. 

Its sounds like things have been really difficult for you and have worsened since November of last year. We understand your frustration with others putting pressure on you to start back at work, this is not an easy thing to do and it's wise to take you time until you really feel ready for it. It must've been really disheartening to have your insurance reject your unfit for work claim. 

If you feel it might be useful, we'd encourage you to visit our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website will be regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. You can also call our dedicated support line, staffed by mental health professionals, which is available 24/7 on 1800 512 348.

Many of our members have felt similar and will be able to talk through these feelings with you.  If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best help you get through this tough period.

Hi, welcome

I don’t know if I can be of any help to you.

In my working life I was an insurance salesman and for 18 years I was in the investigation side of WC. I also had a couple of WC myself- the first was for anxiety and panic attacks and then a back injury.

Essentially just like the Army is a type of “animal” in the way it operates let's call it their nature, the WC system has its own nature as unjust as it is.

The gut feeling you have that everyone wants you to get back to work is a correct one. Sometimes that move, the return is good, other times it backfires.

Your doctor has the ultimate say regardless of your own wishes. In my anxiety case I begged to return to work only to find he refused to release me, hence I ended up getting another job of a totally different occupation.

The labyrinth of the WC system is a punishing ordeal. Why? Firstly there is a high percentage of claims that is fraudulent and then there is other issues eg the more claims against an employer the more his WC premiums go up.

That is some insight into the “game” of WC. If you do not have the support of your GP to remain on WC then you are not in a great situation. I could end up you’ll be on Newstart without ongoing Drs certificates.

I have given you some insight but I don’t have any other knowledge as I never went further with my claims.

The WV system has always been unfair. That’s the nature of it.

As far as your anxiety is concerned, the following thread might help

use google

beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

