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Trying to understand

Community Member


i have recently started getting what I feel is anxiety. my doctor has not yet diagnosed me with this but is going through the usual blood tests and heart rate monitor test.

Im not sure exactly what it is but I have mainly only had the feelings at night time or when haveing dinner. I feel they are not triggered by thoughts as I could be laughing a a tv show then suddenly feel the nervous belly coming on. It has lessened over the last month but not completely. I have these feelings almost every day.

Is this anything anyone else has experienced at night or just me ?

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lm587

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post too!

Its difficult to say LM. I have had anxiety for a long time (in the past) and have studied a great deal on the subject.

The digestive system is the most 'sympathetic' to any nervous condition and the feelings can come from nowhere

Depending on the diagnosis of course.....anxiety symptoms can present as a feeling in the stomach....sometimes tight breathing....sometimes dizzyness.....a feeling of being scared for no reason...

If you scroll below you will see 'The Facts'.... then scroll down to Anxiety and Depression Checklist...

This is an indicator of the way you currently feel where anxiety symptoms are concerned

There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you LM , even just for a chat...

my kind thoughts
