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Trying to understand GAD

Community Member

Hi Peoples

I suffer from GAD!

It has gotten really bad since ive fallen out with my parents and being used by them and its caused hurt,pain,discouragement, resentment.

My symptoms are dizziness,lightheaded,nausea,heart papultation,sweaty,off balance,room feels like it spinning,fear of fainting

I just want to find out what i can do to get these under control. Im seeing a counselor atm going through ACT.

I do shift work which dosent help and eating habit is crap. I still go to work and pray that nothing will happend and it dosent. I get through my day and dont want to go back.

I laugh and smile on the outside but inside im hiding.

Thankyou 😊

4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ladybug08,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us!

I have a diagnosis of GAD so I'm more than happy to try and help or answer any questions that you have. We also have an entire section of anxiety threads here which you might like to check out - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/anxiety

I'm glad to hear that you're seeing a counsellor. ACT is a really popular and helpful therapy for anxiety disorders so I hope you'll find it useful!

I think one of the biggest things that has helped me with GAD is learning about it. So much of anxiety can be so distressing and interrupt your life, but learning about it can help you see that it's your body's super natural hyper reaction to fear (either perceived or real). Especially our connections from thoughts to feelings to behaviour - as an example that fear of passing out makes you hyperaware and alert (and more anxious). One of the ACT techniques might be being curious with that fear rather than letting it take over.

I hope that this makes sense! You don't have to hide or pretend here.

So the sensations that im experiencing are from GAD?

It really bad somedays but i push through and its challenging

Ive been reccomend to but the happiness trap book? Have you heard it. I just want to feel normal and happy without fear,anxiety and i want to feel like im in my body.

Hi Ladybug08,

Quite possibly! Anxiety can cause all of these symptoms - usually the first step is to see a GP and they'll rule out everything else.

I haven't read that book yet! I have heard a lot about it and it's on my to-read list. I think that will probably tie in well with your therapy since the author does ACT therapy in his work.

Here's an intro chapter if you want to try it out? http://thehappinesstrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/The_Happiness_Trap_-_Introduction_and_Chapter_one.pdf

Community Champion
Community Champion


Hi. Let me extend a welcome to you as well.

The book that you mentioned is one that was recommended to me by my psychologist. You can also read the much of the book via Google books, but I prefer the paper copy. There is also a companion app to the book that you can run on your phone as well that has popups. There is also a paid version, but I just use the free one.

You will find there are exercises in the book as well. I pays to do these as well. For example, somewhere in the book it says to put the book down and do this breathing exercise each hour for about 5 days. And don't pick up the book until you have finished. Of course, you could skip over that bit, but then you lose the benefit of the exercise.

The other about the book is that it recognises that all techniques work for all people, and provides alternatives. Another section gives ideas for dealing with negative thoughts. None worked for me, except to say thank you to my mind.

So... yes the book is worthwhile. And it got 4/5 stars on goodreads.
