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Community Member
At the moment I feel really tired and exhausted from my anxiety that is now impacting my depression.
I am also tired of having to hide it. Especially with work.
I can't afford to loose my job but I can't say what's really going on.
I am scared and unsure of what to do. I have lost jobs because of my mental health being so up and down.
I have no one to talk about it to.
305 Replies 305

Hi truetomyself,

so sorry to hear all of this …….. I know it’s hard but please hang in there…….

Sorry your mum said all of that it’s very hurtful, she doesn’t understand but there are people who do and want to help you…

try calling beyond blue for a chat……

im always here to chat to you

Thank you. But I am frightened and scared. I don't know how much longer I can do this for.

Hey Truetomyself,

Thanks for posting here and letting us know how you're doing. We're sorry to hear you are feeling scared. Our Support Service is reaching out to you privately to do a check in. Your wellbeing is of utmost importance.

Please remember that there are support services avalable. In overwhelming moments you can contact our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467). 

If you are at immediate risk, this is an emergency and you must contact triple zero (000).

Please keep checking in with us here. We care about you and you are not alone.

Good morning Truetomyself,

Sorry you are feeling this way, try to breath slowly breath in, breath out slowly……. Repeat……….. ( this will help your anxiety)………

You are strong truetomyself, stronger than you realise keep going I know you can…….. I know it’s hard but you will get through this………

Have you tried to contact someone at Beyond Blue for a chat? Please do if you can…. I think it will help you…, there are people there who care about you and want to help you……

im here to chat to you

I am affecting everyone around me. My mum said I am making her nerves go. I miss my grandma. She was my safe person.

I don't want to go to hospital. No one knows what to do with me. I feel afraid. I can't stop crying and I feel frozen to my bed.

I am a nuisance to the world and my family.

Good morning Truetomyself,

Thank you so much for chatting to me 😊

ohhh your grandmother must have been a beautiful lady, I understand how much you must miss her…

Im sorry your mum isn’t being very understanding …..your mum s behaviour reflects the person she is it’s not you……..

You are a beautiful human being with a wonderful life ahead of you….. you can get better from what you are going through…. You really are a very strong person…. Look at how much you have gone through already…….

I understand you don’t want to go to hospital……….. do you think you could see a gp? You could talk about the way you have been feeling…….. there are people who care about you and want to see you well………

I understand the way you are feeling is scary… it’s a strong feeling….. but it’s temporary …………. I also experienced these feelings…… I was really scared aswell……. I received help from my very caring doctor and psychologists …….I’m now better thanks to the help they gave to me…. You really can get better….. Truetomyself ………

Please keep chatting to me, I’d like to be your friend and help you…… hang in there things will get better…… 😊

I have no friends so thank you for offering to be my friend. I feel so alone.

I haven't showered for a week and I am afraid. I live back with my parents. My father caused all the trauma and my PTSD is high. I am eating on and off. This week I ate nothing. I am afraid of outside.

But no one understands I get agrophobic.

My parents don't understand. I am tired of being yelled at. Make it go away. I have suffered enough.

Hey Truetomyself,

Thank you so much for keeping the community updated on how you've been going. We're glad to see the caring support from your friends here on the forums, and we hope that you can find some comfort in feeling a little less alone through this. It sounds like things must be feeling incredibly overwhelming to cope with at the moment, and we are so sorry to hear that you've been struggling to shower and eat. We're worried about your wellbeing, and are currently checking in with you via email with some extra support through this.

Please remember that extra support is always here for you to talk things through when it's getting too much- including from our BB Support Service (1300 22 4636), our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467). These services are here for you 24/7 to use as often as you need, and we'd urge you to reach out and get the support that you deserve through this difficult time.

We're all here for you.

Hi ttm,

I would gladly be your friend also m, and person to talk to.

Is there anyway you could move in somewhere by yourself - eg some kind of Centrelink benefit etc?

Im assuming you live with your parents?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Good morning Truetomyself,

Thats ok 😊 glad to be friends….

im sorry you are feeling so scared it must be hard…….. have you ever tried meditation? It’s quite calming…. You could find one on your phone that suits you…… look for a guided meditation…….. I do one for watching my thoughts……. Also remember to slow down your breathing……..

im sorry your Dad behaves the way he does remember that’s a reflection of him not you….

It must be hard being yelled at It’s not nice and it doesn’t help you…. When people yell that’s their choice it’s their emotion………. not yours…… with practice you can begin to realise this……. You can choose your emotion aswell instead of reacting to their negative emotions…….( with practice)..

please tell yourself positive things about yourself every day….. tell yourself positive things in general This will renew your mind….

read positive affirmations….. google positive affirmations…… this in turn will give you positive emotions… 😊

it’s hard when others don’t understand what you are going Through ……… just hang in there….. you are strong…. Keep going……😊

here to chat to you