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At the moment I feel really tired and exhausted from my anxiety that is now impacting my depression.
I am also tired of having to hide it. Especially with work.
I can't afford to loose my job but I can't say what's really going on.
I am scared and unsure of what to do. I have lost jobs because of my mental health being so up and down.
I have no one to talk about it to.
305 Replies 305

Hi Truetomyself,
We are sorry to hear that things are still quite difficult for you today. It sounds like you are absolutely exhausted with everything and are struggling to find a lot of good in your life.
Is there someone you can call tonight to talk to? Maybe someone you can share your thoughts with and get some of this off your chest.
We are reaching out to you privately to see how we can support you further.
We also strongly urge that in overwhelming moments you get in touch with our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).

Hi Truetomyself,

Im sorry you are feeling this way, I understand it’s difficult for you. Please hang in there….

Things will get better Truetomyself, is there a doctor you can see even if it’s just some one to talk to……..

Are you on new medication?

Try to google a meditation on your phone and try to listen to it…..

Please call one of our caring councillors on 1300 22 4636…. It helps to talk to someone my friend….

I feel like I can't be like everyone else. I struggle to hold down a job. Everyone my age has houses, children and have their lives set. I am feeling left behind and not a bright future. I am scared I will not be able to get a job.

Hi Truetomyself,

Thank you for opening up to me…

I know that sometimes we look at other people and think they are further along in their lives than ours but some times this isn’t the case….

Truetomyself I highly recommend that you find a therapy you can do for your agrophobia I believe their is one out there for you….. you can learn so many helpful strategies in these therapies and it will help you to move forward in your life…….

You are so much stronger than you know and you have a beautiful fulfilling life ahead of you if you believe it’s obtainable it will be…..

Imagine how you want your future to be and then manifest it…… it really is possible just take a leap of faith! I promise you, you won’t look back…..

Believe you can get a job and then go out there and get one……. It will be good for you to get a job because it will give you a purpose….😊

What type of job are you interested in doing?

My anxiety is really high. My mum yelled at me and called me a sloth with no faith or hope. I can't do it with her yelling at me.

Hi Truetomyself,

Im sorry that your mum yelled at you that must be difficult.

Im sorry that she called you what she did…..

You do have HOPE and FAITH Truetomyself…… just believe in yourself and feed your mind with your own positive thoughts……

Truetomyself have you thought about what job you would like to apply for?

You CAN improve and you CAN get better..

Hey Truetomyself, 

Thanks for reaching out tonight on the forums. We're sorry to hear how anxious you're feeling at the moment. We can imagine those names were really hurtful to hear and are sorry you're going through this. If you'd like some strategies on trying to destress, we'd recommend you check out the articles below: If you feel that it would be beneficial to you to talk through your feelings with a counsellor, please, contact the Beyond Blue Support Service anytime on 1300 22 4636 or get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport

Please feel free to keep chatting with us here. If you'd like to share more about what happened today, we're here to listen. 

How do I get better when nobody cares?I have no friends and my parents don't even acknowledge me that or I exist. Or they yell at me. I can't do it alone anymore.

Hi Truetomyself,

Im sorry you are feeling this way I understand it’s difficult….

I care about you and so do other people in this community …. You also care about you….

You can get better… believe in yourself…. Can you speak to a gp about the way you are feeling?

It's hard to believe in yourself when no one cares and you don't care about yourself. I am so tired and worn out. I have no one. I stay in bed some days due to my depression and no one cares. I have no want to be here.