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The new girl

Community Member

Hi everyone

thought i would join as I have been diagnosed with panic attacks, get some tips, advice etc from others on how they deal with stress / anxieties. Mine has come from living through the fires in January (we were surrounded), looking after my parents (mother has high anxieties whose biggest fear is fire), COVID (I work the front line in a hospital where abuse from the public is a daily occurrence ), single parenting (home schooling is not for me), and now helping my son whose father has decided to move to the UK (who visited him and said goodbye to him during the week). Like everyone it’s been a hell of a year. Hope everyone is doing ok and managing the best they can, as that is all we can do and support each other.

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Booshark and welcome,

Not surprised to read of your panic attacks given all you have on your plate..I hope you can see that is a lot to have to cope with and give yourself care and me- time (unlikely though). Sorry I can't be of much use re how to cope with panic attacks as I get them too. I guess the best thing for me is to know others get them too and to try not to focus on it when it happens - as it tends to increase the fear and panic. I have heard some use scents and things which can be good. I had a panic attack on the train about 10 days ago and just tried to look out the window and forget about it and fortunately after about 10mins it had passed (feels much longer though). I hope things get better for you 🙂

Thanks Golden, agreed the good thing is knowing I’m not alone that others get them too. I have to learn when I’m about to have them, when I’m having them and how to deal with them at both stages as they creep up real quick. I never thought they can feel they are lasting longer than they actually do. I do use essential oils to help me.