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The brain is funny

Community Member
I don't if its anxiety or stress but I have to laugh at some of the ridiculous things I've done like booking appointments on the wrong day. In my experience anxiety causes sometimes to think too much or not enough and rush things hah I'm choosing to genuinely laugh now at my anxiety and my mood problems and kinda disorganised brain, because I've been pretty annoyed at myself of late and that's probably not helpful is it ?
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi fred2018

Thanks for posting- we value having your thoughts here.

Yes, I agree, sometimes laughter can really be the best medicine, or a healthy coping mechanism at least. Laughing at whatever comedy resonates with you can be a positive distraction, I think. Plenty of people go through what you do, feel annoyed like you and try to do something productive about it. That's healthy and normal- I think it another helpful to do in addition to good old fashioned humour might be getting some structured help, if you feel like that's something you would benefit from?

Let us know,


Community Member
Hey Fred2018,

I totally agree with you! Sometimes when I am having a really anxious week I will notice myself forgetting so many things. I didn't realise this was actually a symptom of anxiety and oh my goodness it made me feel a lot better when I realised this! Something that helps me is keeping my diary up to date, writing lots of lists and scheduling reminders in my phone.

I hope these are some things you can try do too but also don't be so hard on yourself when you do forget things - the world is such a busy place nowadays and it's easy to get caught up forgetting half our to-do-lists!

Take care,

Community Member
Hi Tay100 thanks for the kind and practical words. Laughing at myself and the world is definitely something I use most of the time and I could try and use when compassionately dealing with myself when I feel my brain is annoying me. Yeah I do get structured help , but of late I've needed quite a bit, my psychologist has been helpful with some things.

Community Member
Good to hear someone else has dealt with some of this frustration but yeah that's the thing the world can be a busy place and are expectations on ourselves too high so its getting that balance isn't it ?

Hi fred2018

That's great that your psychologist is helping you, and that laughter helps you too! Is there anything else that helps when your brain is annoying you?
