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Anxiety Manifesting

Community Member
Hi there,

Long story short... I have been suffering with Anxiety for as long as I can remember.. Im 29 years old!

Basically, Ive had the works so far..
Health Anxiety - Under Control
Panic Attacks - Under Control
OCD - Under Control
GAD - Very much struggling, continuous 😥🚫
Social Anxiety - Has recently decided to pop up in the last few months, seems to appear when I am around someone of 'Importance' eg. BOSS? It is really bothering me, as I feel like my social skills have always been my main highlight! Im at a bit of of loss as to why this has suddenly come on and how I can overcome it? 🚫🚫

I find it very bothersome that Anxiety can be one thing to start with.. only to Manifest into Multiples. When I thought I had overcome some pretty debilitating stuff.. another pops up!

(Anxiety 🖕)

Thanks for listening or any helpful advise/Input 🥰

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hi Serry,

Welcome to the forums.

I agree that sometimes it feels like we get one part under control and then another piece if anxiety can just crop up!

Its great that you have a good understanding of the different anxieties you have. I just tend to lump them all together which sometimes makes it hard to identify why I am anxious.

I am generally pretty ok in work situations as pong as it is a small group, but I have difficulties in larger groups and tend to blush really badly if I need to speak up. I don't actually try and control it anymore because I find that focusing on it makes me feel more anxious.

Are you seeing someone to help you work through these new anxieties?

Kind thoughts, Jess

Community Member

Hi Serry,

I absolutely understand, it often feels like once we finally have gotten one aspect under control, a new aspect can crop up. It can feel exhausting and like you're in a never-ending cycle with it, which is beyond frustrating. To mirror what Jess334 said, it's great that you have that self-awareness to be able to distinguish and understand the different anxieties you experience!

I notice that you've highlighted that you're not feeling confident with managing GAD and social anxiety. What sort of strategies have you tried for your other anxieties that have worked? With respect to managing GAD, what works for me is making sure I have a regular exercise, sleep and eating routine (which obviously differs from person to person), and making sure I enjoy doing at least 1 activity a day that I enjoy and find relaxing (which for me includes drawing, listening to music, playing video games and watching Netflix). I also find spending time with my support system really helps me too. Have you thought about talking to a counsellor or someone to help come up with strategies to manage your new anxieties?

Sending kind thoughts 🙂

Community Member
Good to see you got the Health Anxiety under control lol.. This is probably my biggest issue rn. May I ask what you did to get it under control? 🙂