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Terrible health anxiety

Community Member

Hey everyone.

Im 33 and male and I have had health anxiety virtually all my life. As a result of that i WAS a heavy drinker. Recently after a bout of illness I gave up drinking (about 3 months ago) And after the first month of sobriety i went and had the full gamete of tests done.

All showed up fine except for the ross river virus i was tested for (was having symptoms)

Now at 3 months I am getting nausea on and off throughout the day, i have had all sorts of anxiety related symptoms over the last 3 months its just this one has popped up and caught me off guard.

Now im starting to think something is seriously wrong with me again, i have been to the docs about 6 times over the last 3 months and they say that its probly just the ross river. But i cant help thinking its something else.

Its exhausting thinking like this all the time, waiting for something bad to happen.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing?

7 Replies 7

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi mcc, welcome

Ive had two friends with ross river virus. Its on the rise. Both told me how debilitating it is. So I'd go with the dr on this.

As for anxiety check out the hundreds of threads on this topic in the "all posts" section towards the top of the screen.

Eg. Google

Topic: be radical- beyondblue

Topic: 30 minutes can change your life- beyondblue

Cheers Tony WK

Thanks Tony!

Community Member
Hi i myself suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.I find that if i am under stress it can set off my anxiety shocking.I am .I worry through the day about the stressful situation im going through the day.I am on medication but because of this stress im going through at the moment ive got major anxiety panic attacks nausa real bad .Ive even lost my appetite and can only eat small things.Im having counciling to stop thinking things are going to happen that havent happened yet.I was given relaxation cds which im trying to do .I have been to the drs around 3 times in a fortnight they must think im nuts.but i did have a urinary tract infection .I start thinking ive got other things wrong cause the anxiety makes you feel terrible.i find myself looking up medical problems because im so nausated and the panic attacks come and go .I find the mornings bad for me hard to focus and i am managing to get to work but inside i feel terrible .It feels like its never going to stop the anxiety.I am to the drs a bit telling them how i feel and they do reasure me im okay its just anxiety .I just want the anxiety to stop but its triggered by some stress im going through in my life and until its sorted my anxiey is horrible.I have counciler but try to just take a day at a time i do .I was told when at my worst pop the relaxation cd on so im trying hard with it .

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey! I totally get what you're going through! My whole life has been filled with thoughts of me having cancer without knowing! and as much as logically i know that I do not have it, and no matte how many doctors reassure me of this my stupid brain still convinces me! As far as the nausea goes I personally get that on and off most days as a symptom of my constant anxiety which doesn't help when you're worried about illness and the worrying makes you sick!

I really hope you feel better soon and can get through this health anxiety, I know Im still working at it x

Community Member

Hi McCraggen - I haven't had Ross River Fever but I did used to drink heavily to cope with my anxiety - and when I DID quit drinking (around 8 years ago now) my anxiety did get worse and I would often get nauseous or throw up.

However, being sober enabled me to work really hard at managing the anxiety (medication, therapy, meditation etc.) And the nausea DID pass...

I still get anxious sometimes but none of the symptoms I used to get (nausea, chest pains etc.)

Also I think the anxiety can really upset your appetite and digestion which can make you nauseous too..

And giving up drinking (especially long term, heavy drinking)/is such a big change to your whole system, physically AND mentally...(just some thoughts based on my experience...)

Going back a few years, I had some undiagnosed/unexplained back, hip and groin issues that really drove me insane. Doctors and physios could never pin point my problem, even after every imaging scan known to man! It really was frustrating, I was treated as if I was making it up, for whatever reason... as a result, I began to develop an alcohol problem too - a really crappy coping mechanism that only made things worse. I'd drink 4-5 nights a week very heavily, and I'd still be drinking the other days, just not so hard. I'd drink to the point of blacking out - I'd have no recollection of the day prior when I eventually awoke. This began to get scary - I never had any particular incidents, but the potential for me to do something stupid and not being able to recall really began to mess with my head. And my body was failing me. I was previously a very athletic, sporty person - so I took it all very personally, and I was a bit of a recluse for a while. I was avoiding going out, as I knew I'd drink, but I didn't have the mental capacity or faith in my body to get active. A piled on weight, and other health problems arose, liver issues etc.

Eventually I found a really good doctor here in SA that had some links with professional sports - he had his suspicions and used his links to be able to get me formally diagnosed and begin the proper treatment, including some minor surgery. This was a huge turning point for me - someone took me seriously for once and believed me. Once I got through rehab for my physical injuries, I drank A LOT less. I still don't have 100% faith in my body (trying my hardest now with gym etc to improve), but a lot better than it was. My overall health is a lot better these days, although with my recent mental health issues, my blood pressure is through the roof. AD's will hopefully help a lot with this.

Hi Nath - yes I had exactly the same drinking behaviour! Pretty scary in hindsight! (I crashed the car, walked home and forgot about it til I saw the car wasn't in the driveway...so glad I didn't hurt anyone.)

Great you found a good doctor that could look into things thoroughly - I didn't have an underlying health issue but I was definitely made to feel like a hypochondriac at times (one of my anxieties was not being believed by doctors too).

I went to hospital numerous times with shortness of breath and chest pains and though I was very rarely asked if I felt stressed or anxious - when I WAS asked - I actually didn't fell PARTICULARLY anxious - because I was so used to a high level of anxiety - I thought everyone felt like that and it was just me who wasn't coping with it! (also I have naturally very low blood pressure so doctors often didn't think I was anxious..)

And yes my health is SO much better since I stopped drinking! Good luck with the AD's I'm sure they will help with the blood pressure.