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Super duper Anxious!!!

Community Member

Hi guys

im so so so anxious, like im going to explode. its driving me crazy and i cant get it under control ive been working on this all day inlcuding a helpline who told me to 'just use your coping strategies'.

i have been and its just not helping. ive tried breathing, exercise, a shower, playing with the animals, baking, my physio exercises, chilling to watch a tv show. it just keeps escalating no matter what i do!

i dont have PRN medications either, and my supports are leaving so i dont have any of those yet until i find others to replace them.

i dont know what else to do, its driving me up the walls esp internally. i feel so out of control. any suggestions anyone!?

21 Replies 21

Just Sara
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Oh my goodness, you seem in a world of pain young one. You're doing all the right things to cope, so well done.

Sit in a chair with a cuppa and breathe deeply and slowly until your body begins to settle. I'm not saying it'll completely resolve; just enough to allow your thoughts to focus on my words.

Take your mind back to when the anxiety first began. Try to mentally concentrate on the pictures in your head and your senses, not your emotions. Keep breathing thru this exercise to unravel what the trigger could be and limit your body's reaction.

You know yourself better than anyone. So what you're looking for is a situation that challenged you internally; not what others did. This is about you...

It could be a TV segment, a magazine article, a conversation or a simple situation you wouldn't look twice at normally like a strong smell for instance.

You're looking for information about why you've responded like this.

Try this and get back to me; I'm here for you...

Sez xoxo

its very upsetting Sez, everything feels all wrong. Everything. i want to run and hide but i cant escape my mind. i tried 'hiding' in pillows and blankets but i just cannot settle. i really feel just about ready to pop.

this has been happening for days, it is this constant state of panic or i go right the other way and depression ends up through the floor. but today is so much worse, i cant control it at all 😞

i really dont know whats setting it all off. i cant think of anything specific maybe its just a combination of everything. the harder i think the more anxious i get, it is so hard!

i tried to just sit with the emotions and remind myself they cant hurt me but they actually. they are causing physical symptoms and while i was sitting just accepting them for what they are i was shaking physically and on the inside it was like some sort of fizze drink- everything bubbling away all shaken up waiting for an outlet.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Startingnew,

How are you atm?

Do you think you could sit down in a chair or lounge, then get out a pen and paper then write out all your favourite butterfly names, colours and what you like about them so much...or something else you like..

Have you made yourself a grounding box, if so have you used it today, if you don't have one, please sweetheart consider making yourself a few..

Little butterfly, you need to distract your thoughts..We control our thoughts, if you can redirect them onto something you really like to do then challenge yourself with that,it just might help you to get your thoughts and anxiety back under control at least for a while to give you a rest.....

Not sure if I'm of help, but it always helps to know that we care and love you little 🦋..💜🕊🌹..


Hi Grandy,

Really not that great. Still havent gotten it under control, im worried about the drop thats coming. if ive been anxious for this long theres usually a really big slump coming up but i dont know when itll happen. i guess ill worry about that when it happens but atm i still cant get the anxiety under control.

ive been thinking and i still dont know what has set this off, it feels like constant triggerrs atm. i dont know, just extra sensitive the past few weeks but more so the past few days.

even when i try to distract them they just keep coming back again. i tire pretty quickly but that only stops the shakes and those sort of things but on the inside it feels the same.

i didnt think to write about butterflies, but i guess i can try it, anything is worth a shot. might help even for a little while..

thanks GG

Ok hun; it's maybe time to call the hospital. You probably need medication to settle and if they want you to self admit then please take their advice and call your family for support.

Get yourself to the hospital asap ok. Whether that's in an ambulance or someone driving you. You know the drill...

There's nothing we can do except talk and by the sounds of it that's not enough.

Please take care and do the right thing for yourself;

Love Sez xoxo

i really cant go there Sez, ill need to work something else out. it is to much pressure on everyone else and just causes arguments.

ill see if the MH team can help- they usually say no but will give them a call and see what they say.

thanks, Love you too Sez

Will update again when i can xox

Hi beautiful Butterfly Wings,

Sorry, I only just saw this...a super warm hug from me ❤️ 🦋

I don’t feel that I have anything to add to what Grandy and Sez have suggested but I definitely feel that if things worsen or don’t stabilise then Sez’s advice to consider hospital might be the way to go...

I get that you’re understandably not a huge fan of hospitals, which is fair enough, but there’s that saying about desperate times and desperate measures...just my gentle nudge

Much love, as always

”Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxox

Hi again,

Sorry, I only just saw your latest post...think we posted at around the same time...

Okay, fair enough, I’m listening. The MH team sounds like a good alternative. Good on you for thinking of them ❤️

Love always from “Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxo