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Super duper Anxious!!!

Community Member

Hi guys

im so so so anxious, like im going to explode. its driving me crazy and i cant get it under control ive been working on this all day inlcuding a helpline who told me to 'just use your coping strategies'.

i have been and its just not helping. ive tried breathing, exercise, a shower, playing with the animals, baking, my physio exercises, chilling to watch a tv show. it just keeps escalating no matter what i do!

i dont have PRN medications either, and my supports are leaving so i dont have any of those yet until i find others to replace them.

i dont know what else to do, its driving me up the walls esp internally. i feel so out of control. any suggestions anyone!?

21 Replies 21

Community Member

geez im sorry guys, my msgs are all over the place and they sound dreadful! i am ever so grateful for your help and support. i am on hold atm the support team to see what they suggest.

Good on you for contacting the support team. I’m very proud of you ❤️

Love always,

Pepper xoxox

Same here little butterfly, hope they can offer you some kind of support..🦋💜🌹🕊.

Community Member

Hi Everyone

i am so sorry to dissapoint you all. i tried to ring the mh line but i couldnt go through with it. i think we all know what is going to happen if i ring them and i am to scared of what will happen if i go back to a psych ward esp after the last time. i know sometimes i need to be 'selfish' but i just cant. please dont be mad at me... i have spent the past 2 days trying to think, trying to cope and keep safe and reduce the distress my mind and body are undergoing with little success.

Sez, you are right 'your brain is an organ and it is sick, you need help' 'your nerves are so frazzled!' i dont think i fully understood those until now. but you are right.

On saturday both my gp and psychiatrist reception were open for a short while so i rang them both and i cant see my psychiatrist until september! and i cant see my gp for 3 weeks but am on the cancellation list. im still on the waitlist to see a psychologist as well.

i really wish i had my PRN medications, at least they took the edge off for a while. i didnt think i would get back to this spot..

im not sure if a dr from the medical centre (so not my reg gp practice) would be able to prescribe something for me without having to do through everything...

i really dont know what to do 😞

would it help to reduce my workloads even more? or is it better to keep busy? my head is in a right mess and struggling to work much out, any suggestions would be good. i think over the past few days maybe even weeks i was in denial mode, thinking it isnt that bad etc, but friday night i realised it is worse than i thought and i need more help than what i can do for myself.

I think i know what has triggerred some of this after many sit downs and trying to breathe through it... struggling finances, a car that needs repairs and trying to work out how to get them fixed, barely no time to myself so am in constan overload mode. (siblings, pop, clients), a few different conversations/arguments offline (that i think triggerred me without realising), the recent breakins, very little sleep, illness and injury, and an upcoming physical test... i have written them down as i have thought of them.

Any suggestions would be really appreciative please... i feel very lost, and scared of what is happening and that i havent any idea on what might help me.

Hi Startingnew,

I am so sorry to read about your anxiety struggles. I am no expert, I have anxiety and do have panic attacks and depression sometimes too. It’s so hard to calm down when you are so anxious. Have you tried yoga and meditation? Even if you can’t sit still for long, moving your body a bit may help. Easy poses like downward dog etc. I also use this amazing app called Breathe which asks you how you are feeling and recommends a meditation. The other day when I was having a panic attack, the 5 senses one brought me back to normal. I couldn’t do this before. I hope this helps.

Hi Butterfly Wings (and a wave to all),

A squishy big sis hug from me...you haven’t “disappointed” anyone. I feel we are concerned but definitely not “disappointed.” No one is “mad” at you either...it’s okay. You’ve done nothing wrong. I think your thoughts are sounding very scattered...breathe, it’s okay...

I was wondering if you could maybe just take your chances and visit the GP at your medical centre. What do you have to lose after all?

You never know...maybe s/he will be able to prescribe meds to you that would help. I mean, I feel there’s little to lose and much to gain. The worst case scenario would just being told “no”, in which case you wouldn’t be in any worse of a position than now.

About your workload, how about taking a look at the pros and cons for either decision? Maybe write it down then use it to ask yourself which decision you feel would best for your mental health.

I also really like Booklover’s suggestions so maybe keep those in mind too...

Sitting with you quietly...

Love always, “Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxo

Hello Booklover and thank you for your post.

I have tried meditation but it wasnt for me, i feel i need to move abit whilst breathing so perhaps Yoga may work, i generally go for a walk but i cant do that all hrs of the night/morning can i.

I havent heard of the App Breathe either so ill have a look at that tonight too.

Thanks again

Hello Dear Pepper,

thank you for your post and your comments- your right my thoughts are scattered everywhere but the centre. if only i was a computer then could just re-configure everything!

With siblings back at school now i think the workload is ok, itll keep me doing something through the day, but i wont be taking on anymore.

im going to the medical centre tomorrow afternoon after work and pops appt and maybe they can help. if not as you said i really dont have anything to loose, they can only say no.

Im having a bit of medication malfunction. i forgot i took a dose last night so.... there was a second dose (im already at the highest this med goes ) and then the morning medications which is the same med (its split into twice daily- so all up its like having 3 doses in all of 10hrs) and havent been well today but not enough to worry about yet.. Just need to see how it goes tonight as i worry about taking another in such a short time. May give healthdirect a quick call and see what they say....

Thanks again and 'Dusk till Dawn'

Hi beautiful Butterfly Wings (and all),

You’re of course most welcome 🙂

I’m glad you figured out what was the best course of action for you personally with the whole job situation 🙂 Hopefully you’ll have slightly more time to yourself now that your siblings are back at school.

I think it’s fantastic that you’re giving the medical centre a go. As we have discussed, the worst case scenario is simply to be told “no”, in which case, you wouldn’t be any worse off than you are now. It’s up to you but I was thinking you might like to mention your meds situation at the medical centre today? While you’re there anyway. It’s just a gentle suggestion...

I hope your appointment goes well today and I’m very proud of you for making your own decision about work plus having multiple plans in place to help yourself (GP, Healthdirect line, forums here, etc).

Let us know how your appointment goes (but only if you want to)...

Sending my love

“Dusk till dawn”

Pepper xoxox

P.S. I was having a very rough day last week and suddenly this little white butterfly appeared and started flying in these circles around and near me. She brought me a lot of comfort and, of course, I thought of you 🙂 I hadn’t seen that many butterflies recently but the ones that I’ve spotted are always white ones lately 🦋

Hi Peps and all

I went to the medical centre, they didnt want to give me a PRN medication but i asked about the medication hiccup. they said that i should be ok but if i start feeling worse then go to the ED and get checked out. i spoke to them about how ive been feeling- they said i need to speak to my reg supports. At least i got the hiccup sorted but feels like a waste of time.

Im trying to keep my brain sort of activated but more productive so talking on here and trying to do other things, hopefully will help to realign things again..

im so glad youve still been seeing butterflies xoxo they should start to come back out more around spring time.