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Community Member

I’ve getting stress headaches I assume, just need to talk to someone out of it


3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Guest_11534278,


A warm and caring welcome to the forums,


I’m sorry you’re getting stress headaches, do you know what you’re stressing over that’s causing them?…

Please, if you’re up to it and feel like talking, we are all here for you..

Kind thoughts Dear Guest,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey there,


I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with these headaches. Have you had a chat to a GP about these yet? Sometimes professional advice can help if you're finding that internal struggles have turned into physical symptoms.


If you'd be willing to share, has there been anything particularly stressful you've been dealing with recently, or have these come on fairly suddenly? Context can often help get to the root of why you might be having these headaches.


Please feel free to continue chatting with us, we're here for you.


Take care, SB

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Guest_11534278,


Welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear about your stress headaches. Is this constant or is there any particular situation that's triggering the stress and the headaches?


It's good that you have taken the first step of posting here, please feel free to write more if you feel like sharing.


Please don't feel alone, we are all here to help you in whatever way we can.


Take care...