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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Everyone,

Here are some ideas for helping you manage symptoms of anxiety. Feel free to add to the list, or let us know what works for you...

Mindfulness – Grounding exercises: noticing your environment, bodily sensations, and breath

Progressive Muscle Relaxation – Creating a Tension and Release effect with all the muscles in the body

Opposite Actions – By listening to calming music, taking a walk, talking, enjoying sunshine

Safe Place Mental Imagery – Visualising a place where you can go in your mind to feel safe

Calming Affirmations – To help recognise that the moment of panic will pass

Exercise – A valuable way to exhaust excess adrenalin built up in the body


[Moderator's note: this thread is for sharing what has worked for you to manage your anxiety. If you need support to manage your anxiety and would like to discuss this with the community, please start a new thread.

See also:

Anxiety management strategies

Worry worry worry


300 Replies 300

Community Member
Thank you both for your suggestions. I have had all the tests and everything has been ruled out.l will definitely try the crackers and the breathing techniques. I will also try the guided meditation. I appreciate all your help and yes lm hoping one day it will go away.

I get this too!! It’s horrible and it just adds to my anxiety as it makes me feel miserable

Community Member

Hi Jill,

Phantom smells...YES! This started for me around August 2017- just after we had a sick cat who was operated on and had that funny vet surgery smell...you know what I mean? Ever since then I've been getting strange smells or no smells.....I can still taste ok but the smell thing really irritates me. Suffering from anxiety big time, I even got my doctor to send me for a CAT scan as I was convinced (after googling it - big mistake) I had a brain tumour! Guess what? One CAT scan later...no brain tumour. I still don't know what's causing it...I even tried that salt water up your nose thing for a month, but I've given up that as it didn't work. I described the smell to the Dr. as a "wet dog" type of thing....he is mystified...I've stopped thinking about it as I've replaced that Health worry with a dozen others instead! I'm so over being a hypocondriac. I remember my Mum (who passed away recently at 97) saying "I've lost my sense of smell" repeatedly as she aged.....maybe it's an age thing, though she did suffer from anxiety too. X

Community Member

Hi IreneM,

When my stomach issues start with my anxiety, I find taking imodium really helpful. I tend to have bouts of diarrhea when I get overly anxious - my stomach is the first thing to go - but my doctor said (after trying Buscopan/Donatabs etc) I can take an imodium every day to get me through it and there is no problem with that. I was reading recently on a forum page that many people resort to this when they have stomach problems/diarrhea on a regular basis. I always seem to suffer from it around lunch time - like if I don't eat early lunch after breakfast - say 11.00am I'll end up in the loo straight after lunch! If I take an imodium just before lunch it stops the cycle. Hope this helps. X

Community Member

Hi Cat67

Omg l know exactly what you mean....finally someone who gets it. I also thought what the hell is this. ..its the anxiety causing it as we are more sensitive to smell and it hangs around. ..comes and goes. I hate it but l try not to let it scare me to much so hopefully it eventually will go. The weirdest sympton. Do you still get these weird smells often now.

Hi Flossie

Im checking in to see how you are doing and how your smell symptoms are going

Community Member

Hi again Jill,

Off and on yes. Mostly now I seem to have have no smell. Someone will say....can you smell that? and I'll be like.....uh no! Yet I can smell things others can't. Work that out. I'm fed up with always worrying about what's wrong with me - this is coming from someone who's always been healthy (apart from gall bladder removal years ago and migraine headaches). My parents lived to be 88 and 97, and my grandparents on both sides well into their 90's, so you'd think I'd let it go!

Community Member

Hi Cat

Your parents and grandparents so blessed to live such long lives.

I know what you mean about smelling things that no one else can. ..l still cant get my head around how anxiety causes this. I like you thank heavens have been healthy until this anxiety raised its ugly head out of the blue. I struggled at first but eventually it got better but slowly. My morning nausea was the worst! I to hated feeling this way but l really try not to let it consume me too much. Its nice to talk to someone who understands.

Community Member
I find myself fighting not to fall asleep. I am so tired . I know it is irrational, but I just can't brake this cycle. I try deep breathing and relaxation technique nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

Community Member

Here are some things that help soothe, relax and ground me when I'm feeling anxious:

- Exercise: It's great because it releases those feel-good hormones & is also meditative, I find it really helps to clear my mind because I'm focussing on channeling my energy into something physical, not my thoughts. My favourite form of exercise is running.

- Calling or spending time with a friend/loved one (or your pet!): This is incredibly therapeutic & reminds you of the wonderful people you have in your life. It helps to distract you from your thoughts & enjoy yourself with someone who's important to you.

- Meditation: This is great for when I can't quiet my mind, or I'm having trouble sleeping. My favourite apps are Headspace and Insight Timer.

- Book an appointment with your treating doctor/psychologist/therapist, etc: Sometimes it really helps to talk out how you're feeling with a professional, so that you can both form a plan of action together & proactively start working towards effective treatments.

- Indulge in some self-care at home: This could be running yourself a relaxing bath, making yourself a cup of tea to enjoy on the couch, popping on a face mask... anything like this, in the comfort of your own home.

- Journaling: When my thoughts are bouncing around in my head, I find it really helpful to just get them out on paper. I just write a stream-of-consciousness, it's quite cathartic & can sometimes help you see the logical/rational side of a situation, or can change your perception of it when anxiety has taken hold.

I hope these help! Wishing everyone a lovely day 🙂