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Panic attacks

Community Member

Hi second time posting but as of today had my first panic attack I was just in the couch and out of no where it happened thought I was dying racing heart freaking out sweating, I ended up calming down by just walking around the house I’m posting here to ask how people manage panic attacks what they do to calm down etc?

im looking forward to hearing what you guys do


5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Id definitely visit your GP.

Some things you can yry give immediate results others will give benefit ling term.

Please google

Beyondblue Topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

Beyondblue Topic he helped me for 25 years, Maharaji


Repost anytimr

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Rhysb93,

Thanks for your post. TonyWK linked to a few posts that he has written and I think it's probably worth searching for panic/anxiety attacks in the forums too. There is so many people who are in the same boat sharing their own experiences and what works for them.

I'm thinking a big part of why walking around the house might have helped is because you were kind of forced to focus on things other than your panic. Often in panic attacks we get so consumed with it we kind of ignore the world outside of it. So paying attention and grounding yourself can be a really good skill. Maybe you could look around and see what you can notice.

One grounding skill that can really help is the 5,4,3,2,1. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

The other two important things is to remind yourself that you are not dying - although it may feel like a lie at the time you can remind yourself of last time. "I know I feel like I'm dying but I felt like this last time and I didn't die. This will pass." Keep reminding yourself of that logic. and most importantly, breathe. It's damn cliche but finding breathing techniques that work for you is so important. That might be trying to focus on your breath, or using an app, or imaginary techniques.

I hope this gives you a place to start!

Community Member
Definitely see ur doctor he can prescribe something to help U or refer U to a physcogist the sooner U tackle panic attack the easier it is to eliminate it

Community Member
a way to deal with panic attacks is chilling out is way easier said than done, but being able to relax is super-important for your health and well being. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to relax, so you can choose the ones that you actually enjoy. It’s kinda ironic: relaxation takes some work, but it's worth it. i do horse riding and it helps me.

Community Member

Hi Rhysb93 and welcome,

I'm in the same boat, but what has helped me is some of the mindfulness ideas, and getting out in nature (with or without people). I prefer to be with people if I can, and bush walking with a club works for me.

I have had sucess with the 5,4,3,2,1 technique romantic_thi3f described. It does drag your mind into finding the things and does work.

A therapist put me onto a free Australian app called the "Smiling mind", I'm giving it a go and it does help too.

All the best.