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panic attack at seeing people i know

Community Member

hi there,

i am trying to leave my home more regularly as part of CBT to try to overcome my arophobia as well as other anxiety related problems, yesterday i when down the street with my mother to pay some bills, while sitting in the car i saw someone i knew from highschool 15 years ago and had a full panic attack, (fast breathing, full body shaking, seating, wanting to vomit, wanting to get out of the car and run to the safty of home), i don't know if this person even recognised me because it was so long ago, i am always so frightened to see anyone i know, this is partly the reason i do not leave my home, it is made even harder by the fact i live in a small town.

 i seem to find it harder and harder to want to go out, even just to sit in the car.

561 Replies 561

Hi Sparkles,

Oh wow, i didn't think timezone still existed, i haven't seen one on those places since 1994, i thought kids having computers at home would make them go out of business, i used to love time zone.

i am glad the medication is working so quickly, hopefully it will not have a peak and trough effect, anyway enjoy the bliss, i have come to realise when times are good enjoy them.

well enjoy the rest of the day and take care my little sis


Community Member

Hi Karen,

i am just checking, well this afternoon not much happening i am tired and slept most of the afternoon, but finally about 11am the kookaburras started singing, one of them was getting into it so much he/she nearly fell off the power post.

it is a nice day here, the sun is out, maybe a little warm but i suppose it gets warm this time of year, lol.

i hope you have found something to do today to keep yourself occupied, i have found the enemy of people like us is time to think, i found if i can find something, anything to keep occupied it makes the hard times easier.

make sure you keep yourself safe, you know how to do that, take care Karen and i will talk with you tomorrow.

Thinking of you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi J

yes time zone type places still exists the one I went to was not time zone but it was just like time zone and is the only way I describe it. They are now more popular then ever, they still have a few video games but they also have a lot of other games what u will normally see at a country show or circus such as throwing balls through the right hole, tenpin bowling and other physical games like dancing type computer  games and you win tickets in them games towards a small prize. It is still lots and lots of fun.  

The meds are not working like I will like them too at the moment they just make me sleepy , which has helped a little bit I also am getting a few other side effects from the medication, but I find the PRN, short term medication helps me control the dark thoughts which is a bonus.

Speaking of video games I was wondering do you still play video games? And what is your favourite game.? I was addicted to the Simpsons game on my ipad for the longest time but these days I have not got the concentration to play any game but in the pass I have found it helps with distraction.

I hope u had a good day

take care,



Hi Karen,

i  am just checking in to see if u are ok. I hope things are getting better for u. Please remember what u have went through in the pass is not your fault and deserve the best in life please stay strong and take care.

i am thinking of u big sis...


Hi Sparkles,

geeze the game places sure have changed from my time, the last time i was in one was 1994, they were full of arcade type games, i didn't see any dancing games or show ground style games, but the new type sounds great, you are so lucky to have one near you.

i can't believe they are still so popular, i thought this day and age their would be no one near them, it just goes to show eveyone is drawn to gaming.

geeze and you get prizes too, when i went to them you spent all your money with nothing but an entertainment filled day, i would have loves some prizes, that is so cool.

yeh i have the same problem, i am always tired, i think mine is comming from the medication too, but as long as the medication is working i suppose it is worth the side effects.

yes i do play video games, it is now my only way to fill in a day, i know it is sad that a 32 year old is still playing games, but they are a good time waster and i seem to have so much time to fill in, i usually do some learning on the computer in the mornings to keep my skills up, then i read till 2pm then have a sleep then play games of a night, i can't stand TV latley, it is just too repeditive.  i play games like skyrim, grand theft auto and call of duty. i have a lot of puzzle games on my smart phone like chess and mind trainners to try to keep m mind sharp, but i have the same problem as you my attention span is non existant, i can usually only manage about 20 min before i lose interest.

well take care and have a good day.


Hi Karen,

sending you a big bunch of flowers, a huge box of chocolates, and a big cuddly Teddy I hope they put a little smile on your face....

please stay safe and take care big sis

thinking of you


ps, I think you need to share the chocolates with me as they are the yummiest and biggest box if chocolates you ever seen... 

Community Member

Hi Karen,

well another day done, this morning i got up at 6:15am to go walking listened to the kookaburras singing and seeing the pig at the farm follow me around as far as she could while i walked past, their were so many birds singing this morning, it is a cooler day here today so maybe they have more energy.

i am looking at the cockatoos now splashing around in the live stock watering troughs they are throwing water everywere, and some of them are sitting on the side of the road eating the grain that has fallen off of the grain trucks, some of them are struggling to fly from over eating.

i hope your night wasn't too stressful and today you are feeling a little better, i know it fells as if the world is against you but remember you have you BB family to support you and help you through the tough times.

well not much else to report, i had a shocking night as always i suppose you had the same, starting to get really stressed about having to go away, comforting myself that this will be the last time i will ever go on hollidays.

well take care Karen and i am looking forward to talking with you when you feel a bit better.

big hugs


Community Member
Thank you for your kind words of support, gifts, I will share. J I wish I was there watching the animals with you. Sparkles take care hope you see some improvement. J I know you are struggling I'm thinking of you.

Community Member

Hi Karen,

ah it is nice to see soem words from you, i was getting lonely, don't worry about me my problems are minor compaired to yours, make sure you look after yourself, i don't know what Sparkles and i would do without you.

i would like you to see the animals too, so, for an early Xmas gift you will see the chickens tomorrow, i will takea pic of them and put it on here for you.

take care Karen i am thinking of you and hope tonight goes quickly for the both of us.


Hi Karen,

lit is good to hear from you, please stay strong and take care 

thinking of u 
