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panic attack at seeing people i know

Community Member

hi there,

i am trying to leave my home more regularly as part of CBT to try to overcome my arophobia as well as other anxiety related problems, yesterday i when down the street with my mother to pay some bills, while sitting in the car i saw someone i knew from highschool 15 years ago and had a full panic attack, (fast breathing, full body shaking, seating, wanting to vomit, wanting to get out of the car and run to the safty of home), i don't know if this person even recognised me because it was so long ago, i am always so frightened to see anyone i know, this is partly the reason i do not leave my home, it is made even harder by the fact i live in a small town.

 i seem to find it harder and harder to want to go out, even just to sit in the car.

561 Replies 561

Community Member

Hi Karen,

Just checking in to see how you went.  I know however it went you tried your best. Don't be too hard on yourself if things didn't go to plan. Just be proud you made the effort.

take care i am thinking of you.


Hi Karen,

how did your appointment go today?

i been thinking of you I hope all is well

take care




Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jacques and Karen,

i am just giving u an update I woke up in a little bit of a better mood today, I get to have a day with my niece shopping today, so I am really looking forward to that. I hope you both have a ok day and get out and go for a walk and listen to the birds.

take care 


Hi Sparkles,

that is great the doctors appointment went well and you are making sure you see the early warning signs, it is good your doctor is so concerned about you, it helps, and giving you something to take the edge of the anxiety will help.

i know how uncomfortable it is to ee someone you don't want to see, i live in a small town with many people that don't like me so i have to try really hard to avoid them, i think this is part of the reason i don't like leaving the house, it is just easier this way.

mmmmm, yum bacon and egg burger, you really did treat yourself, good for you, i am sure it helped with the distress of seeing the psych.

wow, it is good you are having the day shopping, and with your niece too, you will have fun i am sure, try not to go too crazy with the chrisie shopping, i know how out of hand this time of year can get with the presents and food, lol.

my day has started well, i didn't sleep much, but i feel ok, went for my walk and ride, we are meant to be getting rain today, which i love, so that should pick my mood up when it arrives.

Anyway take care and have a fun day;)


Community Member

Hi Karen,

Just checking in, i haven't heard from you for a day, i read your other post, i am so sorry you went through all of that, just to have the psych say he could not help, it is just not fair, it made me so upset to read that he will not help, you are trying so hard.

please hang in their, my thoughts are with you, please let me know you are ok when you feel up to it.

i am sure you are sitting by the river by now, i am sitting in my office looking at the sheep, they are grazing and the pig is digging up her paddock, she is trying to throw over her pool, to get muddy, and the chooks are digging for worms, one hen, she is the matriarch of the group, whenever the farm hand arrives in his truck, she paces the fence waiting for her cabbage leaves, when she gets them she spends all of her time chasing away the other hens, by the time she is done the other hens have eaten the cabbage, if she just ate them and stopped trying to chase the other hens she would get some cabbage. 

the chooks got a treat yesterday they gt some water melon, it was quite funny to watch the chunks fly off as they pecked at it.

anyway take care Karen i will be thinking of you today, and please get back to me i am worried.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks, J

I am glad your day started off OK, my niece decided to take me to time zone to spend all my money, but that is OK because she had fun. i am starting to get the lovely side effects of the increase of medication dosage but if it is the same as last time it will only last a couple of weeks, but it is worth it if the medication works. i hope you had a good day.

take care


hi Karen

i been thinking of you i hope you are OK

when u are comfortable can u please let us know how u are going.

stay strong and take care


Community Member
I'm here. There are no words sorry

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Community Member

Hi Karen,

i am assuming you are in the MHU, i have been worrying all night about you, i hope if you are in th MHU you are getting the best care possible, you so deserve it.

anyway i seemed to have a better night last night, i am hoping i am too exhausted from worrying to worry any more, lol.

anyway i am wishing you all the best where ever you are, as i know things are tough at the moment.

bye big sis


Community Member

Hi Karen,

i know how tough it is, and i know how hard it is to type on these forums when you are in a bad place, so i will do the talking today.

my beautiful sister the sun is shining and the birds are singing, remeber you made it through another day and you will continue to do so, my day so far, well i went for my usual morning walk, i even looked up at the tree to see if their were any kookaburras, but they were still asleep, the pig at the farm was sleeping under a large gum tree, flat out on her side, when the farm hand arrived she sprung to her hooves and raced to the gate for her morning breakfast of muck, i think it is oats, she absolutly loves it whatever it is, and the chickens were pacing the gate for their morning cabbage leaves and baegels, gosh they eat better than me, i sometimes joke to mum they are fattening up the chickens for christmas (they are not really, they are egg layers) but they are huge, they would make a good sunday roast.

i went out the back yard to give the frogs some water, no sign of them this morning, i suppose it is their sleep time during the day.

i watered the new shrubs i planted out the front, they are growing so fast i wish you could see them, they are beautiful, the new leaves are bright red and the old growth a deep green, i have had to stake them because a few of the branches are crooked so i want them to grow straight.

i am thinking of you through this tough time, take care my dear.
