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Overthinking - to obessive levels

Community Member
I'm not really sure where to start as I'm struggling with quite a range of issues and I'm not sure how to go about delving into it and really conveying the depth of the issues. I think my greatest concern is that I won't be able to express the depth of my issues and I won't get the help I need.
My biggest issue currently is my overthinking, it's gotten to a point that has really taken control of my life, moods and possibly my personality.
Quite often I found myself hung up on things I've said or done and I am trying to analyze in my mind other persons' possible reactions, thoughts and opinions of me and my actions. Along with that comes the thoughts about myself and how I stack up to other in terms of *being a good person*
Im heavily aware that I will never please everyone and no matter how hard i try and I will never truly know what people think of me so I know it's unproductive and I know I'm wasting my time entertaining these thoughts, I'm very capable of thinking about it logically and yet I can't stop obsessing no matter how much logical thinking I use.
Im frustrated at myself for not being a better person, for not acting a certain way etc, and I feel a lot of guilt about it all. When I react naturally to situations that make me uncomfortable or angry I overthink my reaction the situation to obsessive levels, even though it was natural, thinking that I'm a bad person for acting this way and that I should've acted a different way etc, which would mean I would be non-genuine to myself.
I feel that my brain is close to snapping, these compulsions and overthinking almost feel like physical tension in my mind, it almost feels that my mind is rotting.
I worry that everyone has negative feelings and opinions towards me and it stops me from enjoying life, from focusing or living the best life I can, I struggle to find interest and joy in things anymore, so it makes it hard to find hobbies or distractions to keep my mind occupied. I also find that I have a very bad short memory and I am almost startled when I can't remember recent information, I usually have fast bursts of panic when I cant remember things, or I can’t follow a train of thoughts without being interrupted by forgetting the train part way through.
I almost feel that because Im so aware of my negative thoughts and can logically recognize them that no amount of thinking strategies will help me, Im not sure if medication will help, essentially my main concern is that this will never go away.
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi kimdv,

Quite understandably what you are experiencing must be causing you concern, be wearisome, fatiguing perhaps and may make you question what is happening.

Have you been to a Dr at all to talk about what is happening for you? You could print out what you have written ere and present that to the Dr to read. I find it can be helpful doing that.

I am wondering if you have tried some distraction techniques when you mind runs away with itself? Could you try some deep breathing count in for 5, hold for 3 then out for 5.

MY psychologist has been trying to teach me that thoughts are just thoughts. We can listen to them, acknowledge them then let them go. Sometimes easier said than done!

Have you tried some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. There would be lots of examples of this on the internet.

Can you try and think of a positive thought, come up with something you can be thankful for. Maybe write down three things every day you are grateful for.

Unfortunately our minds can get stuck in the rut of negativity. Changing our thoughts just a little can help immensely.

Wishing you well with learning to accept the negative, it is not so powerful then! It is hard work and might not work all the time, it is worth trying.

Cheers to you from Dools

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi kimdv and welcome to our community forums

It takes courage to share your story here. So well done - that's a really good start for you.

Anxiety and overthinking are debilitating at times, so I understand how you're feeling. You're not alone Kimdv. My thoughts are - things can get better with good management and coping strategies. It does take time though, it won't happen overnight.

Do you mind if I ask a few questions, e.g. - are you seeing a doctor or health professional about your overthinking?

Is there anyone else in your life you can talk to, e.g - a trusted friend or close family member?

If you want, do a search on the forums for OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). The search field is at the top of the page. Feel free to join in any of the discussions you think are relevant to your situation.

Keep reaching out Kim, if and when you want.

Kind regards


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kim, and a warm welcome to the forums.

Your issues are understandable and they do follow after each other and can happen to a normal part of our life, the trouble is that if we are suffering from any type of depression we get clogged up with our thoughts.

Obsessive thoughts can happen if you are diagnosed with OCD, that's for your doctor to do, however, these can lead onto intrusive thoughts that continue to annoy us.

Guilt can have negative thoughts and this can affect your memory.

Can I suggest you see your doctor because this obsession you have needs to be treated and a psychologist will be able to help you find any trigger points and use CBT to help you.

Hope to hear back from you.


Community Member
I 100% know how you are feeling. I am the same. I feel like my overthinking has basically completely taken over me. It's taken over my personality. I can't do anything or say anything without first running it through my head and thinking about what I look like, sound like and how the other person will respond. Even after that, I will still later on go over the situation and analyse every little detail. Maybe I should have said this. Maybe I should have done that. I just feel like everyone I talk too hates me and they are just responding and smiling to be nice. Especially at work I feel like I am just treading on peoples toes all the time and I am just in the way of everybody.

Community Member

Hey Kim

Sorry to hear your about your situation and it can be very testing on the mind.

I hope what's helped me can also help you.

short version 4yrs ago i was at work when my legs become numb then the left arm.

for the next 2 yrs i was confined to a small room by myself on my back with minimal food and no help, no-one to talk too. After 2 yrs of doctors e.t.c telling me i was lying they found i had neuritis which stops me from being able to sleep in a bed or lay on my side or on my stomach and cause my my legs to become week. the next 2 yrs i started walking but still to this day will go a week without talking to someone.

Through healthy diet im basically sending it into remission.

my father left many years ago to start a new family cause i guess he was over us.

i still chat to mum on phone but she lives far away.

all my so called friends left me cause i was now useless to them.

I have spent years dealing with the never ending internal fighting inside my head, getting cold shivers and heart pulpataions until now.

I started riding an exercise bike in my loungeroom at night if i started thinking too much and i would ride still having bad thoughts sometimes the whole time until i was completely exhausted. then i would sit down and actually relax cause my mind was too tired to care about anything.

i always run these three words through my head when feeling the mind starting to wind up.


If i run by this motto the only people who won't like me are people that are going to hate anyway.

Sorry it's not much but it's really helped me.