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overthinking anxiety panic

Community Member
hi just wondering if anyone else feels anything simlar to how i feel with my anxiety panic disorder.i havnt been able to work due to the virus and although i have a job waiting its a no idea situation .i miss my normal day to day routine of working going swimming catching up with people and doing what i want when i want .we all have to do the right thing and stay home with this c virus .i find myself always thinking i havnt done enough during the day .even though im doing housework and catching up on things around the house i wouldnt normally do .i find myself still getting anxiety like oh i was suppose to that oh i didnt get that done.i am in regular contact with my drs.i know they would tell you have to tell yourself stop it this is not me this is my anxiety and it is going to pass .anyone else anxiety get like this .im on meds
9 Replies 9

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi cakeboss,

Thank you for your post and I'm really glad that you've asked these questions - I know a lot of people are in the exact same boat as yourself. It's so hard dealing with the uncertainty of everything.

While I'm personally not working at the moment (no job beforehand 😞 ), I can very much relate to missing the routine and the feeling of not doing enough at home. It's also not easy when you can be surrounded by people who seem much more productive and busy!

What do you think is causing you the most anxiety right now? Is it the idea that you didn't do enough or didn't get things done?

One thing I think worth reminding myself - and you too - is that this is a crisis. It isn't just taking time at home and having time off. This is different. So it's okay if things are different at home too. You don't owe anyone anything and you don't have to be busy and do all the things, it's quite okay to give yourself some permission to rest.

I read a quote yesterday and I won't post all of it but there was one bit that said 'Trying to be perfect during a pandemic is like trying to stay dry in a hurricane'.

I hope this post gives you a little bit of comfort, or maybe a little bit of permission to take the pressure off for a while (or just a minute).


Community Member


just wanted to let you know your not alone. I also feel the same. I am also overthinking that my boyfriend who is thankfully still working hes coming home and feeling like i haven't done anything.

just try and remember that in a time like this, we have to make sure our mental health is as important as anything else. And looking after that some days, is a chore in its self.

i also tend to write a list of the things i would like done, and slowly mark them off. but i dont make the list too long as i know i have many more days ahead of me to complete them.

just letting you know some things that help me 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi cakeboss,

You are definitely not alone in how you feel. I miss my routine as well!

What we are all going through with coronavirus is a collective crisis experience just like what romantic_thi3f wrote. During times like these one step at a time is totally permitted (and encouraged!). I also like Katniss91's idea of writing a list of things down and ticking them off.

I think in times like these it's so important to look after ourselves and make sure we are coping.

Please let us know how you go, I hope this helped!

it was good to see people giving me some advice with my anxiety panic disorder .It really does help to know that other people out there do feel the same .i am to hard on myself and im due to see my dr in a weeks time .i do have to except that there is a pandemic happening and we do need to stay at home and it wont last forever .i am still finding each day a tiny bit like ground hog day same thing nothing exciting .my anxiety was up and down before this happened and unfortuately the one thing that helped it swimming i cant do it was my saviour .i need to find somthing else to do like walking i just feel a little flat at the moment i dont like staying home it sets off my anxiety but i will be getting counciling this week and regular contact my doctors .i have family helping me .one my major problems is i dont except the unknown well and im working with a pscychtrist which is helping

Wow, I've just discovered this thread...

I get the worst anxiety and panic, it gets that bad that my health professional calls it 'breakthrough paranoia'.

Does anyone else get serve paranoia with there anxiety symptoms?

Community Member

Hi Doz,

Yeah sometimes I feel very paranoid that I've annoyed someone or done something wrong, usually to my partner, which only results in a negative spiral.

To help with this I've tried mindfulness meditation (my favourite is the Smiling Mind app), and making a list of what I think to be true vs what is more likely true (e.g. everyone will be annoyed at me if I take a day off work vs. everyone will be happy to see me when I'm back).

Both of these have been very helpful for me, and maybe they would be for you too?

Hope this helps.

All the best,


Hi zguenzl,

Thank you for sharing!

I have to give the Smile App ago! I've tried mediating, I think it's amazing and best done in the mornings.

But thank you so much for sharing, its great to know I'm not the only one out there that gets paranoid.

Hope you had a great weekend/Easter.



Hi cakeboss,

I'm really glad to read that you found it helpful that there are others who feel the same! I also think it is great that you will be seeing your GP soon and will get counselling. I hope you find it helpful!

We are here for you during your journey! 🙂

Hi Doz86,

You are definitely not alone! I get this afterwards when sometimes I evaluate what I say or do! zguenzl mentioned a great idea, writing down what you think is true vs. what is more likely true. I think it's really helpful to challenge these unhelpful thinking styles! Through practice we can learn to think differently.
