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Night and Sleep Anxiety

Community Member

Hi There!

It's my first post and wanted to see if there is maybe someone with a trick to stop worrying especially at night? My heart is beating as if I would present a PowerPoint in front of 100 people. I cant stop my thoughts, not even in meditation. Even little things during the day can be a trigger for restlessness and light sleep.

I tried:

-Sleeping Pills > still waking up at 3 with thoughts and high heartbeat

-weighted blanket

-diffusor with lavender oil

-short meditation


-supplements e.g. magnesium

-writing down thoughts



5 Replies 5

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Kim,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue forums!

You've certainly tried a lot of methods and I'm not sure what I can really add to that, though I am sure others will have some more ideas for you to try.

That said, I wonder if you know what it is that keeps you awake. You mention writing down thoughts as a method you've tried - is there something in particular you are thinking about which is keeping you up at night?


Community Member

Hi Kim,

Welcome to the forums!

What do you do say an hour or 2 before bed?

I find if I don't relax before bed, I find it hard to sleep (racing thoughts, just feeling uncomfortable, etc). At 9:30pm my phone goes into night shift mode and I try not to look at it, I make a cup of peppermint tea and i put something light on tv (parks and rec/brooklyn 99 etc) and just zone out. I go to bed around 11 every night. Sometimes I put a fan on for a bit of whitenoise.

I find that if I stay up until 11 playing games or doing something stimulating then go to bed straight away I dont sleep aswell.

Whats your exercise like? have you tried wearing yourself down a bit during the day?

I suggest googling sleep hygiene. Its helped me put this plan in place to help me sleep better!

I hope this helps!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Kim...

I would like to welcome you also to the forums..

I went through your list of what you have tried..and was wondering if you have tried sleep stories...They go from around 25 minutes to an hour..they are stories that are peaceful and calming, I like Dan Jones..he speaks softly and incorporates a bit of breathing, meditation and mindfulness into his stories....If you go to YouTube and search Dan Jones...his stories will show, along with a few other readers as well....

If you just put your mind onto the story and listen to it not to loudly..hopefully you’ll fall asleep...if your mind wanders through the story..just gently bring it back to listening again...

Kim...we have a sleep thread here which is full of great suggestions..your welcome to read only or ask questions and join in the conversation..in the search bar..top right of this page..and search Sleep it should show up..

Not sure if I’ve helped at all..but I wanted to share what’s working for me...

Sending my care, love and hugs..lovely Kim..🦋💜🤗.


Community Member
Thanks for the response! It could vary from little conflicts or stress at work to topics like Covid. Every night it's different. My mind just doesn't want to switch off

Community Member

Thanks Gambi!

I might actually look too much on my phone and I will try to decrease that. I noticed that on nights when I try to organise stuff until late instead of reading and calming down, I have less deep sleep as well. I do the same with the fan sometimes, so calming. Also, good choice of series... I try to replace that atm with "The office".

I think I might just be sensitive for overthinking and need to be stricter with myself at night