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needle phobia helpppp

Community Member


I have had a needle phobia for more than five years now, and I do admit that the last few times I went for a blood test were very traumatic (blood was not coming out, or it was very painful, or I got a small bruise etc). Every time that I have to do a blood test it takes me more than a month or two to actually go and do it.

Anyway, last week, when I visited my GP (due to hair loss) he asked me to do a blood test so we can see what might be wrong. Given that there might be a few things that can cause hair loss, the blood examination paper he gave me had more than 25 different tests on it, and he told me something like 'Brace yourself as the nurse will need to take a lot of blood'.

Since then I have been feeling very anxious and I honestly cannot go. At the same time though, I need to go ASAP as my hair is falling off and it may be something serious (such an autoimmune disease). Can someone help me, please? I do not know what to do. Even the idea of actually going makes me veryyyy anxious and brings me tears :(((

Thank you.

1 Reply 1

Community Member
Hi Mik_33

I myself have a needle phobia and I have whats called Trichotillomania.

I found after asking the pathology clinic to use a butterfly, that it helps me a lot. They are a gentle way of taking blood.

Blood tests vary, some require multiple vials but others just need a tiny amount in one to get what they need.

The numbers and letters on your test papers don't always mean they need lots of blood. But most importantly if they do require more, you need to be heard and made to feel comfortable.

I have thin veins. They have always have trouble finding my veins etc and this is what causes my anxiety to increase and I use to faint once they finally found my vein due to the lead up.

I would like to suggest a few things to try that might help.

1: butterfly!
2: raise your concerns with your pathologist first before going ahead
3: remember that so many people have needle phobias and the pathologists are trained in supporting you, so if you raise concerns and don't feel supported then try another local pathology if possible or call their head office for support.

If you are too anxious and don't feel like you can go ahead then please call the beyond blue support line and speak to one of the professionals, as your health is important. And they can guide you further.

Finding a pathologist you can connect with is very important when dealing with a needle phobia, small veins and anxiety.

Good luck! And I hope my suggestions help ♥️