
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Lily-Ann Anxiety after leaving a toxic work environment.
  • replies: 3

Hi, I'm new to beyond blue. I have started to feel really anxious lately and i worry that it may be effecting my new job. Firstly, i recently left a job that i have been in for over 6 years. At first it was great, over time it became a nightmare. I u... View more

Hi, I'm new to beyond blue. I have started to feel really anxious lately and i worry that it may be effecting my new job. Firstly, i recently left a job that i have been in for over 6 years. At first it was great, over time it became a nightmare. I used to always feel physically ill when i woke up and had to go to work. I would find myself having horrible thoughts. I used to dread going into work. It was coming up to my wedding when i decided enough was enough! I quit my job because i felt it taking a toll on myself. Fast-forward to now, i have been recently employed in a similar role. However, the staff are wonderful and i have so much support. Although, i cant help but feel that i'm going to mess it up with my constant worrying. In my last job, i was told that i was never going to become a manager, and constantly felt like i was never good enough. I was working full-time, and i was entitled to sick leave. Whenever i took a day off, i was always guilted when i came back (I only took 6 days off in over 6 years). Coming back to my new job, i had to take a few days off because i was having some back problems. Although my boss is completely understanding, i cant help but feel guilty and continuously feel like i am going to lose my job. I am at a loss, and i feel like i need some advice. Thank you for reading.

Walto17 Struggling with sleeping in general and no desire to sleep
  • replies: 3

hey everyone been having trouble sleeping for the last week. ive had trouble sleeping most of my life and it would come and go with bad periods but recently has been difficult. to summarize, my problem is trying to get to sleep and then staying aslee... View more

hey everyone been having trouble sleeping for the last week. ive had trouble sleeping most of my life and it would come and go with bad periods but recently has been difficult. to summarize, my problem is trying to get to sleep and then staying asleep, if i sleep and get even 2 hours sleep, i am fine, but when i am constantly trying to get to sleep and then when i do, wake up an hour later i lose desire to want to sleep because i get sick of having to try get back to sleep. it feels like so much effort trying to get to sleep and when i do just to wake up an hour and have to deal with it again makes me not want to sleep anymore so i prolong wanting to sleep. i've slept at 6-8am till lunch-3 even 5pm for 10 years as it's been the only time that i've been able to sleep consistently but in recent events like losing 2 dogs in a tragic accident and the other been put down after having him for 18 years, i feel like it's created a feeling of loneliness and what i mean by that is that over the weekend, my family goes out in the mornings to do family things and i think with the loss of the dogs, i've wanted to accompany my family but because i go to sleep when they wake up, i haven't been able to do those things, so the other day i tried to reset my sleeping clock by staying up 24 hours, i crashed at 12 lunch time and sleep on and off till 2 in the morning then fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 8am but last night i think i went to be to early at 930pm didn't get to sleep until 1130, woke up at 1am went back to bed and woke up at 3 and have been up ever since. i honestly don't know what to do because trying to sleep at night makes me anxious but i want to spend more time with my family but i have a better chance at sleeping in the morning because i've done it that way for 10 years but then miss out on doing stuff with family and i feel generally bored and miserable in the middle of the night. it's complicated i know but i didn't really know what else to do. right now my plan is to really just exhaust myself but i know in the long run that's not a good idea. any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

cakeboss anxiety panic disorder and health anxiety
  • replies: 2

Hi i was wondering if anyone else was feeling the affects of the c virus at the moment staying home .I have a job to go back to but have not been but staying home makes me think of stuff more .I have good days and bad days where i cant seem to relax ... View more

Hi i was wondering if anyone else was feeling the affects of the c virus at the moment staying home .I have a job to go back to but have not been but staying home makes me think of stuff more .I have good days and bad days where i cant seem to relax .im trying mindfullness and walking .i havnt been able to do the one thing i love swimming cause pools are shut .if i get the slightest thing wrong health wise up starts health anxiety .im on fortnightly phone calls with gp which help me .and support from Psychtrist aswell Im on medication but lately dosnt seem to work .I cant stand staying home.There is stuff to do at home housework wise but when i was working i was stimulating my brain and was tired but that was good for me .it makes you appreciate how good your life was before this c virus .I dont except the unknown well and i really hate anxiety flair ups they are awful .Trying music today day at a time .Anyone else have days like this where anxiety takes over .Gp calling me today which is great have a fantastic gp who understands mental illness .

KK7 Need advice ASAP please
  • replies: 5

I’ve started medication for my depression and anxiety it’s been 2 days and I’m scared I feel jittery and my anxiety seem worse, idk what to do is this normal ? Thanks

I’ve started medication for my depression and anxiety it’s been 2 days and I’m scared I feel jittery and my anxiety seem worse, idk what to do is this normal ? Thanks

greatworrier Struggling with daily panic attacks
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Hi all, hope you are coping as well as you can be during this stressful time. I wanted to reach out for help as I am really struggling with daily panic attacks & chronic anxiety 24/7. I feel very surreal & dream like, have muscle pain from the attack... View more

Hi all, hope you are coping as well as you can be during this stressful time. I wanted to reach out for help as I am really struggling with daily panic attacks & chronic anxiety 24/7. I feel very surreal & dream like, have muscle pain from the attacks, burning hot skin & then sweaty chills, feel shaky & weak, dizzy, nauseous, experience hyperventilation, have loss of appetite & like I can’t enjoy the things I used to. It seems like I can’t switch off the ‘panic’ mode in my brain. Like something bad or tragic is always about to happen. I find things like medication & therapy helpful, but no one ever seems to have the answers when my raw full blown panic hits & I ask a lot of existential questions. I feel like such a burden onto everyone around me because it completely turns you into a child state & you become very needy. I find routine in my day helps to keep my grounded, whether it’s a good day or a hard day. I feel really embarrassed though to be going through mental health issues when everyone around me seems like they’ve got their shit together. My uncle recently passed away way too young in his 50s & I think that’s what had triggered a lot of my panic. I overthink about - realising that we all die, where do we go when we die, religions & spirituality worries, fears of losing control & possibly wanting to die. I also have somatic OCD so I’m always checking in to see if I’m breathing, which makes me feel like I’m locked into breathing / life, I’m locked into my body with it’s terrible sensations. I often wish I was a spirit enjoying my life rather than being in my body. The body dies, experiences pain & illness, & is very fragile. I just am totally traumatised. It’s such a strange time, I only feel safe when I’m asleep. Escaping. I just want this fog to lift & feel like myself again. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only person out there experiencing similar issues. I really want to be able to relax again & feel safe in this life, not like doom is constantly chasing me. Just venting it out also helps haha. If you have any comments or tips please feel free to express them

Dakota18 Anxiety is hard to understand / explain
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Anxious feelings in general as well as the physical manifestations of anxiety which are very real and present are very hard to explain to people who don't understand. My partner constantly tells me that he just does not understand what it is that I a... View more

Anxious feelings in general as well as the physical manifestations of anxiety which are very real and present are very hard to explain to people who don't understand. My partner constantly tells me that he just does not understand what it is that I am feeling and why I am going through this and although I cannot blame him this is something that is very frustrating when I do not even fully understand it myself. There is a very fine line between being open and honest with someone about how you are truly feeling, while also trying not to spend too much time and energy focusing on the way that you feel (and worrying about it). It upsets me and makes me feel down when I constantly explain how it is that I feel and why I think this might be occurring. The point I am trying to get at is that when someone tells you that you need to be stronger, you start to question if you are weak. I am here to be a voice that says you are strong and if anything we are stronger by the way in which we wake up every day and take each day on despite everything that may be going on. I am stronger than I know and I understand what you are going through

kimbo223 Anxiety consuming life
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Hi guys, im fairly new to this .. But im just wondering if anyone else goes through this and has any suggestions? Anxiety has started taking over my life. Im in my late teens, im to scared to go out and meet new people because of social phobia. I no ... View more

Hi guys, im fairly new to this .. But im just wondering if anyone else goes through this and has any suggestions? Anxiety has started taking over my life. Im in my late teens, im to scared to go out and meet new people because of social phobia. I no longer can go to bed at ease because i get anxious someone is in the house or something will happen in the night... it got to a point of no sleep for a week and now im constantly over sleeping in the day so i can be awake at night. If i get really anxious i get sick as much as throwing up, if someone raises their voice i freeze and cry... I get to anxious to go visit a GP for help cause i don't like admitting that im struggling. I struggle to shower home alone in case someone is in the house... I get anxious from social media constantly checking my phone to make sure nothing bad has happened. I recently had someone try and get into all my accounts and i just started crying and hyperventilating.. Does anxiety consume anyone elses life like this?? Am i being a chicken for being to nervous to speak to someone about it? My partner doesn't quite understand how bad it can get sometimes either...Any advice or suggestions please help!

Mistelwing How are you dealing with COIVD-19? Because I’m not doing that well…
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Hello! So, this is my first ever post here, and I kind of feel nervous posting my feelings as I’m not someone who commutates on the net. Okay, so about me; normally I never thought of myself having Anxiety, I mean I’ve been worried and stressed about... View more

Hello! So, this is my first ever post here, and I kind of feel nervous posting my feelings as I’m not someone who commutates on the net. Okay, so about me; normally I never thought of myself having Anxiety, I mean I’ve been worried and stressed about things before. But with everything that’s been going on, I feel like my world has been turned upside-down. I work in Retail (in a shop that refused to shut down, though it was non-essential) as well as live with two high-riskers, so this had added a whole new level of risk to me. It’s to the point now the very thought of going into work/social places makes it hard to breathe. I shake, I break down and basically consumed by terror at the idea I could get the virus and potentially cause the deaths of the people I love. It got so bad I lied to work to take time off, but now they aren’t giving me many options and want me to work because we’re super busy again. But I can now barely sleep or eat at the thought of going back. I’ve tried going outside and “slowly” get back to normal, but the moment someone gets close to me I panic. One time I had to quickly run to my car to stop myself hyperventilating. Ironically, a Sales assistant who loved making someone’s day is now terrified of the pubic… It’s made me wonder how are you guys dealing with this? What things are you doing to calm down or help in this weird and difficult time? Or whether I’m just over-freaking out about everything.

Al_KB Online social groups are my nightmare now
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I'm also scared to post this. But I think maybe this is safe? So first the easier part. I MISS my old life. I see friends doing things and I'm too sick to do stuff too. And then it's all coronavirus all the time and people dying and going broke and a... View more

I'm also scared to post this. But I think maybe this is safe? So first the easier part. I MISS my old life. I see friends doing things and I'm too sick to do stuff too. And then it's all coronavirus all the time and people dying and going broke and arguing about assorted government failures that affect their lives. I have actual real life friends who are teachers and disability home carers who can't get any PPE; and friends of friends are nurses who are being attacked for wearing their uniforms in public, and this is horrifying to read about. The other thing is, I can't bear the thought of being disagreed with harshly. If I agree with something a right wing person says, some lefty friend comes down and say so&so is a racist/sexist/terf/nazi, and therefore by association so must I be! Everything is getting so polarised. And I can't stop it. Yeah, clearly, it's a logical fallacy that they are making. I am a science and logic minded person and even if Adolf Hitler himself thought that 2+2=4, it doesn't make it wrong. But I can't debate calmly; I panic and freeze and get chest tightness and palpitations and have to run away and hide (games, books, meds). It's clearly true logically that it's not my job to make the world over into a rational place where people can discuss things without yelling insults at each other. But I feel it's all my fault and I should just explain better. I have a terrible case of "someone is wrong on the internet". Why can't people be kind to each other? Why can't I MAKE EVERYBODY be kind to each other? I need to stop. I need to feel OK about stopping. I need the world to be a terrible place without it being all my fault. How?!!

jemma09 Health Anxiety, I had my MRI today.
  • replies: 13

Hi all : ) Just to preface... I want to thank this forum and all of you so very much for the positive impact it has had on my life. Reading peoples' responses was so uplifting and helped me settle at the peak of my health anxiety. I can't even begin ... View more

Hi all : ) Just to preface... I want to thank this forum and all of you so very much for the positive impact it has had on my life. Reading peoples' responses was so uplifting and helped me settle at the peak of my health anxiety. I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it is to have a place to get things off my chest like this. Anyway. I made a post on here about a month ago. My health anxiety was at an all time high because I have been getting frequent headaches and also feelings of lightheadedness. My doctor had told me it is likely anxiety, however just to be sure, they sent me in for an MRI to get the all clear. The MRI was postponed for a few weeks, was classed as 'non-urgent'. I finally finally got it done today. I am proud of myself for being able to stay still for 20 minutes and not panicking. My mind was racing and so was my heart, but, I kept my cool. I am also proud of myself that I have not googled my symptoms since my last post! Woo hoo! Now it's a waiting game. The radiologists are not allowed to say anything, they just tell you to see your doctor. The results should be back by the end of the week, I have to have a phone consultation due to the coronavirus. I wish I could know now and I really hope it comes back 'all clear'. I know it doesn't work like that, however, I can't imagine what would happen if something was really wrong with me. Deep inside, I am really frightened it could be some cancerous brain tumour because I like to catastrophise things. I am trying to keep focused on each day and keeping busy. With the coronavirus restrictions, I can't really go out at all. So, I've decided to buy some new video games, learn how to play piano and do more reading. I am hoping these tasks will keep me occupied. Does anyone else have subconscious symptoms of anxiety? Eg. I have headaches/lightheadedness on and off, this happens even when I'm busy or quiet. At work or at home. There's no specific timeline for it. It just comes and goes. Sometimes pain meds do nothing, sometimes they help. Can we subconsciously cause symptoms just with anxiety? Or I wonder if one anxiety symptom can cause other symptoms? Eg. I have extremely tight muscles in my back, my muscles feel like rocks under my skin. I wonder if my muscles are pulling so tight that it's causing my headaches and feelings of being lightheaded. Thank you very much for reading. I hope you are all doing well and please stay safe during this time. I wish all of you the best. : )