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Need help working out whats wrong

Community Member


Since 5 days ago, i started to feel an uneasiness inside me. It started when I felt a numb/tingling sensation in the top left side of my head on Friday 2/8/19. I didn't think much about it but felt it the next day (Saturday 3/8/19) too, so I did what I i shouldn't have done and googled the symptoms and the first thing that came up was early signs of MS (multiple sclerosis). I remember when I read that my entire body felt shivers and a sudden rush of blood go through it. The tingling/numbness settled by night but when I was in bed I felt it again around the ears too.

By Sunday 4/8/19 most of the symptoms had settled but an uneasiness kept lingering in me.

On Monday 5/8/19 morning when I got to work, that uneasiness had worsened and I felt a what I think is anxiousness. This worsened throughout the day and I felt alot of nervous energy coming out of me. I also noticed my appetite was reduced and my brain was foggy.
I saw a GP that afternoon as I was worried about these new sensations who told me I was stressed and ordered some blood tests for my fatigue.

Tues 6/8/19 - again felt very overwhelmed, sad, teary, nauseous and less appetite. Also fatigued and tired.

Wed 7/8/19 - similar to the day before, started to get the tingling above the left eye again but only for an hour or so. Still feeling fatigued despite 9hours of sleep on average most nights and no trouble sleeping. Today I also started to feel a hot burning sensation in my left shin which started around lunch and no more by night time. I noticed my heart rate too despite just sitting at rest.
I saw another GP that night who gave me medication - I didn't think I needed it as I was sleeping really well but took it that night.

Thurs 8/8/19 - woke up uneasy and all throughout the morning. Got to work at 12pm today and had a strong panick/anxious semi breakdown to my colleagues. After that, symptoms settled.

Most nights I feel good, about 80% better as I am with my wife and I have spoken to her about this. I have spoken to my colleagues and friends about this too. I have never felt this sensation or feeling before so I am worried and not sure 1. what I am experiencing, 2. why it came on suddenly and 3. how to deal with it. I feel this is affecting my life in all aspects.

I am 35, and in a very exciting stage of life with a new house, baby coming in Dec, my business is going well, and im completing post-graduate studies too.

10 Replies 10

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi poipoi,

welcome to beyond blue.

Many of the users here are just like you, regular people with different issue, so unable to answer the questions you put i your post. But we can tell our own stories if they relate to you, and perhaps you might hang around for a bit longer depending what you work out or dont work out.

When I started seeing a psychologist and before that my GP, something was wrong as the feelings I had were similar to what I had experienced at other times of the year, except this was worse. I then did a google search for what I was feeling and came upon the beyond blue web site and the K10 test. i did that test and it suggested I have a chat with my GP.

Well you have that that bit already (based on what you mentioned in your post).

Between then and now, I also did a number of blood tests to work out the cause and from that found out that my ferritin level were too high (haemochromatosis if it needs a label). High ferritin levels (for me) is similar to low iron levels for other people - having depression and related symptoms. So I found it worthwhile to do these blood tests. It was something I could cross off the list, if that was the total cause of my issues.

Well it was not, because that is under control and I can still have things go haywire for me.

What has any of this got to do with you?

Perhaps listen to your body. It is telling you something. Are there things going on in your life that are causing you stress? What are you worried about? Have a look at the K10 test and see what happens from there.

One thing that I would say is not to self-diagnose with google as we can find out symptoms in most things. For example, my "symptoms" might put me into into a BPD disorder, but as a diagnosis is incorrect.

Hope some of this helps.


Community Member

Hey poipoi .

I’m a 24 year old female with anxiety, and suffer panic attacks since I was 14, it seems like you may be anxious,

having symptoms like those described in your post can be a scary experience, even scarier when we google the symptoms to find the worst case diagnosis, did you notice that you were fixated on those symptoms and the google diagnosis for a couple of days after your first symptom of numbeness/tingling in the left side of your head? It’s common when your anxious to constantly worry, and worry leads to stress & anxiety which leads to more symptoms, may explain why you had the breakdown in front of your co workers? The heart rate while sitting at rest is because your anxious & stressed, which leads to symptom spotting, which is why you would of noticed the burning sensation today on the shin... this is all common symptoms, You may be experiencing health anxiety totally normal if your worries about MS or another serious health problem , sometimes is triggered by something, maybe for you it was that numbness/tingling on the head, To manage this you will need to see a doctor like you did to exclude any serious health complications, maybe take the K10 test also like smallwolf has suggested, from there you can ask to be referred to a psychologist, they can help you with strategies to cope and other exercises aswell as CBT therapy, your 35, still so young, you will be fine, if the worst case is that you happen to have a health condition atleast U’ve caught it early! BUT I highly doubt you will have any health issues! Think positive, don’t obsess over it, it will be harder to train your brain out of that negativity thought process once you get in to deep.. your fine, I promise 🙂

Community Member

Hi Tim,

Thank you for your reply. I am so relieved knowing there is this avenue where people can help each other overcome these problems.

Particularly for myself as I've never experienced this in my life, I really became worried and anxious and the vicious cycle began. I was referred to this website https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources from a psychologist friend who told me to browse through the resources which are very helpful to understand what is happening.

I believe I am getting Panic attacks/disorder as these are episodic in nature - I'll get these severe sensations 3-4 x a day but then feel good for a few hours. All the physical symptoms I mentioned were listed in the self-help worksheet too which is a relief in one sense, but now moving forward I need to learn to over come this.

Although I've only experienced this for 1 week - it is enough to make me stop and consider my life routine and to make a positive healthy change - I really have sympathy and love for those who have suffered for long periods.

I saw the GP again today who prescribed me some anti-depressants to help calm my nervous system but it takes 2-4 weeks to kick in. I will be seeing him again next week for a mental health assessment and then take it from there.

Thank you again for listening and taking your time to respond.

Community Member

Hi Harrysmum,

I am thankful for your response and sharing your experience with me. It did help ease me.

I responded to Tim above mentioning I believe I am suffering from Panic disorder - likely triggered by a compound of stress over the last few months. My panic attacks happen 3-4x a day and usually leaves me feeling quite scared but once its over (usually some tears), I feel good again. It is just worrying as a I tend to wake up with this sensation despite sleeping well...

As mentioned above, I saw the GP who prescribed me anti-depressants which I will start tomorrow and then see him again next week for a mental health assessment to be referred for a psychologist.

I have good support around me and again am so thankful for this avenue through Beyond Blue for people to share and talk to people who know exactly what they are going through.

Thanks again and I hope to keep you updated.

Community Member

Hi poipoi,

I hope it all works out for you. Please keep us updated!

Community Member

i Know exactly what your going through, as said before I’m only 24 and have 4 a day! They are VERY SCARY! It feels like your going to die, but rest assure no one in history has ever died from them! I’ve had so many ambos out! It’s ridiculous lol!

i suffer panic disorder and agrophopia, I’m on medication and it worked wonders! The antidepressants will help you and they don’t have to be a forever thing! I hope you feel yourself in the coming weeks! You will notice a difference by week 2 🙂 good luck!!!!

Community Member

I took 1/2 a tablet of the AD that the GP prescribed on Saturday and to be honest my symptoms were so much worse. I also started to get anxious while sleeping - prior to I didn't. Because of this I didn't persist with the AD today and have felt better. I did try to take an afternoon nap and that some anxious, heart pounding, hot flush sensation kept coming over me as I fell into sleep and waking me up.
I will see the GP tomorrow to see what he says but Im not sure if the symptoms I experienced are normal.

At this stage I am going to take half a tablet tonite to see if that helps settle me.

Thanks for responding everyone.

Community Champion
Community Champion
The first time I took a AD it also made me feel worse. They can take some time to get used to, but is still something to talk with your GP about. It may take some trial and error to work out which medication you respond to best. Fingers crossed.

Community Member
I’ve just been given medication and was told it can take up to 4 weeks and that you can possibly feel worse for the 1st week or so until your body starts to adjust. I’m told to take 1st thing in the morning as side effect is insomnia, which I already bloody have lol so I’m worried about that.