
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
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Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Avo I’m new! Not new to anxiety; need some support (maybe more for females)
  • replies: 4

Hi all, I’m new to this forum but not new to anxiety. I guess I suffer GAD and health anxiety. to cut a long story short, it all started for me after becoming sick on holidays. I was sick with a bug for say 10 days but after returning home had convin... View more

Hi all, I’m new to this forum but not new to anxiety. I guess I suffer GAD and health anxiety. to cut a long story short, it all started for me after becoming sick on holidays. I was sick with a bug for say 10 days but after returning home had convinced myself that I had some incurable parasite! I was still sick with nausea and diarrhoea of course but at the time I didn’t know it was due to anxiety. After much research and learning (and doctors clean bill of health) 4 months later I accepted it was due to anxiety and slowly very slowly recover began. That was about 9 years ago! I have very very vivid memories of this. Anyway there have been many ups and downs along the way but generally had been doing pretty well. 6 months ago I had a baby, with 2 other kids already life is busy. Hubby works long hours and no help from grandparents etc. stress has been building, sleep deprived to the max. to now... about 3 weeks ago I got a UTI (urinary tract infection) my rational mind, no big deal right, went to doc, positive urine test, got the antibiotics and began to feel better. This seems to have triggered something in me. I had absolutely convinced myself that I would have the UTI forever and I was completely doomed. So I knew the UTI had cleared up but my mind and anxiety I suppose had already taken over causing sensations and thoughts. Sensations like tingling ‘down there’ questioning whether I need to go to the toilet, what colour is the urine, googling, did that sting, a little but OMG OMG I’m doomed. I must say that after 3 kids I am one that goes to the toilet often so this is not unusual! i went back to the doc for reassurance had another urine test, and test for any other nasties common in females and it’s all clear (as I knew it would be) so now I’m stuck. I am so hypersensitive I am noticing everything ‘down there’ and questioning, googling etc. I have diagnosed myself with many things trust me. Prior to the UTI I never gave going to the bathroom a second thought. I’m sure we all have random sensations all the time but when we are not in a over sensitised state we don’t give the sensation a second thought. so I some help with how to manage this. Those of you familiar with recovery techniques, would know about acceptance. This is extremely difficult when it all feels so real. You just want to keep questioning things. I have gotten through this before and know it will pass but I’m just feeling a bit stuck and hopeless at the moment.

it2ly How do I make friends when everyone thinks I'm shy?
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So I just moved schools and I've made two proper friends.. ish... eh.. And im trying to join their friend group.. but I have social anxiety and I come off as a super shy sensitive person. But in reality Im really really tomboyish, I am really chill a... View more

So I just moved schools and I've made two proper friends.. ish... eh.. And im trying to join their friend group.. but I have social anxiety and I come off as a super shy sensitive person. But in reality Im really really tomboyish, I am really chill and extremely loud and the muck around type and meme type yet Im terrified to show them that because yeah they are weird too but whenever I unleash a bit of my true self I get glares from some of the members in the group. And confusing looks... Its really hard to be social and loud when everyone thinks I'm super shy.. what can I do? Its just as weird when my friend knows im super weird and loud and then sees me talk to her friends in a awkward manner PLEASE HELP

kPo I work full time - currently experiencing elevated anxiety - and take illicit substances to cope with the workload
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This is my first time posting - but i don't know where else to get proper advice. I work full time, live in a regional town with thousands of others but am here alone. It's the night before my 25th birthday (40 mins away), and I want to get help - Ca... View more

This is my first time posting - but i don't know where else to get proper advice. I work full time, live in a regional town with thousands of others but am here alone. It's the night before my 25th birthday (40 mins away), and I want to get help - Can I go to the hospital? I need to get off this s**t (ice) but I'm afraid I'll lose my job because I'll be unable to keep up with work demands. Up until recently I've been doing moderately well, considering what I've been putting in my body. I've somehow to managed to hold my job, but I know I'm on my last leg with them. They're aware of my anxiety issues, to some extent. But each time I have a rough patch and am unable to attend work, or I need to leave due to an overbearing situation, I'm left feeling hollow and feeling like my words are falling on deaf ears. They "understand" what I'm going through, but do nothing to help otherwise. I can't talk to my workplace about the extent of my issues, that would be highly inappropriate and would definitely get me fired. I know it's stupid - smoking ice to stay awake and do work. But I can't blame work entirely. I've known for a while that I started smoking it to cope with a relationship breakdown with my partner (same sex btw). What do I do? I am so dedicated to this job. Not many queer POC in their early 20s gets a senior corporate job. But I want to leave. Money is the main issue holding me in, but the longer I stay I feel like more and more is going to this addiction and further elevating the anxiety. They're aware to some extent of my elevated anxiety issues, but I feel they're on their last breath with me and I hate the thought of burdening others with my issues. I work with some absolutely lovely people, so know that it isn't the people I work with that triggers my anxiety... it's the constant thought of failure; of disappointing those who have given so much to me; of being viewed as "just another queer, drug addicted person of colour". I don't want to be viewed by labels, I want to be seen by the way I convey my words, by the way I express feelings to people around me, I want to connect to other people but anxiety holds me back. Methamphetamines are definitely no solution, just a bandaid into dull my brain. I don't live far from the hospital, and will head there shortly. I just want to know if other people have wound up in a similar situation.

Guest_8790 Panic attacks
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This subject is not new but to me I am sick of the random moments when I panic. I don't seem to be able to stop or think before acting on actions. For instance I had to pick someone up from a location I was not sure of and they sent me a screenshot o... View more

This subject is not new but to me I am sick of the random moments when I panic. I don't seem to be able to stop or think before acting on actions. For instance I had to pick someone up from a location I was not sure of and they sent me a screenshot of location but still had issues. I then started to get angry and panicky and they kept phoning me while driving and I ended up in tears and anger. Eventually found my GPS was not on and once on, found the person. I was so exhausted and upset it took me 20 mins to calm down and they had to drive instead. Why am I so not able to change? I am heartily sick of myself... I have been seeing psychologist and mental health facility but still not changing. I feel I am fighting a losing battle.

Nickim First post
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Dealing with a lot ATM , so hard over thinking everything. Small things seam huge I have a great family but, I can't burden them with my problems.

Dealing with a lot ATM , so hard over thinking everything. Small things seam huge I have a great family but, I can't burden them with my problems.

Adrianb Anxiety
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Hi my name is Adrian. I'm a 65 year old male. I currently work as a high school casual teacher which I have been doing since 2000. Before that I was a full time teacher for 15 years. My job can be very stressful at times and I have worked in many cha... View more

Hi my name is Adrian. I'm a 65 year old male. I currently work as a high school casual teacher which I have been doing since 2000. Before that I was a full time teacher for 15 years. My job can be very stressful at times and I have worked in many challenging schools. I was diagnosed with a G.A.D. (generalised anxiety disorder) over 10 years ago. The main symptoms I experience is a feeling of intense pressure behind my bottom row of teeth, almost as if some force from deep inside me is trying to escape. I know it sounds scary. If I allow myself to just experience this, parts of my face may twitch as well. I can control the twitching and most of the time I just ignore the "pressure" thing and get on with my life which is pretty active. I've described my symptoms to counsellors but they respond like they have never heard of anything like this before. I'm interested to know if anyone else has experienced or is experiencing anything like this before.

poipoi Need help working out whats wrong
  • replies: 10

Hi, Since 5 days ago, i started to feel an uneasiness inside me. It started when I felt a numb/tingling sensation in the top left side of my head on Friday 2/8/19. I didn't think much about it but felt it the next day (Saturday 3/8/19) too, so I did ... View more

Hi, Since 5 days ago, i started to feel an uneasiness inside me. It started when I felt a numb/tingling sensation in the top left side of my head on Friday 2/8/19. I didn't think much about it but felt it the next day (Saturday 3/8/19) too, so I did what I i shouldn't have done and googled the symptoms and the first thing that came up was early signs of MS (multiple sclerosis). I remember when I read that my entire body felt shivers and a sudden rush of blood go through it. The tingling/numbness settled by night but when I was in bed I felt it again around the ears too. By Sunday 4/8/19 most of the symptoms had settled but an uneasiness kept lingering in me. On Monday 5/8/19 morning when I got to work, that uneasiness had worsened and I felt a what I think is anxiousness. This worsened throughout the day and I felt alot of nervous energy coming out of me. I also noticed my appetite was reduced and my brain was foggy. I saw a GP that afternoon as I was worried about these new sensations who told me I was stressed and ordered some blood tests for my fatigue. Tues 6/8/19 - again felt very overwhelmed, sad, teary, nauseous and less appetite. Also fatigued and tired. Wed 7/8/19 - similar to the day before, started to get the tingling above the left eye again but only for an hour or so. Still feeling fatigued despite 9hours of sleep on average most nights and no trouble sleeping. Today I also started to feel a hot burning sensation in my left shin which started around lunch and no more by night time. I noticed my heart rate too despite just sitting at rest. I saw another GP that night who gave me medication - I didn't think I needed it as I was sleeping really well but took it that night. Thurs 8/8/19 - woke up uneasy and all throughout the morning. Got to work at 12pm today and had a strong panick/anxious semi breakdown to my colleagues. After that, symptoms settled. Most nights I feel good, about 80% better as I am with my wife and I have spoken to her about this. I have spoken to my colleagues and friends about this too. I have never felt this sensation or feeling before so I am worried and not sure 1. what I am experiencing, 2. why it came on suddenly and 3. how to deal with it. I feel this is affecting my life in all aspects. I am 35, and in a very exciting stage of life with a new house, baby coming in Dec, my business is going well, and im completing post-graduate studies too.

Mandalee Scared my Children are going to get really sick and die..
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Hi all, This is probably more for all the Parents out there.. Have any of you experienced extreme anxiety when your child gets sick with a cold/flu, tummy bug and especially Fever? As soon as one of my girls get a slight temp my body and mind goes in... View more

Hi all, This is probably more for all the Parents out there.. Have any of you experienced extreme anxiety when your child gets sick with a cold/flu, tummy bug and especially Fever? As soon as one of my girls get a slight temp my body and mind goes into melt down almost, the fear that it's something so serious they will die is so overwhelming. One common virus that my daughter picked up lasted just over 2 weeks.. I was that scared she seen 4 doctors because I was sure there was something more wrong. She is fine now but I was so sure I was constantly checking her temperature and getting her to take deep breaths so I could hear that she can breath fine. I get so angry at myself at the same time though because I know it's not good for my children to see this as they will be more prone to suffering the same way. And then I also get scared because you hear people say that if you keep thinking the same thing you can make it happen so I not only get scared something is wrong I also get scared that it will happen because I am thinking it. I just want to be the best mum I can be and have me children live healthy happy lives I jump and freak out as soon as something seems a little off course.. Does anybody else feel this way and do you have any coping mechanisms? I have not long been put on anti anxiety medication so I am hoping they will really start to make a difference soon. Thanks Mandalee

Sylvia770 Quitting job due to anxiety - what now?
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Hey guys - this is my first time posting so I am really nervous. To set the scene - I am a young woman in her early-mid 20's and have struggled getting and holding down a job my whole adult life. I have had anxiety since I was a child and suffered fr... View more

Hey guys - this is my first time posting so I am really nervous. To set the scene - I am a young woman in her early-mid 20's and have struggled getting and holding down a job my whole adult life. I have had anxiety since I was a child and suffered from depression as a teenager. I am also both shy and introverted. I recently quit a job I had in finance in a customer service role as I just could not stand it anymore, only to walk into another job in finance that's main focus is on selling a financial product. As most of you can imagine, when you're shy, anxious and introverted any job that involves excessive customer contact is the equivalent of hell on earth. I've only worked this job for a week and am already getting heart palpitations every morning I wake up for work. I'm even anxious about working on the days I am not working. As I have substantial savings from my previous job, I have decided to prioritise my mental health and quit today. The only thing is - I don't know where to next. I am close to finishing a bachelor's degree in health science but don't have any other qualifications. I have around 3 years of general admin experience, but no real technical skills. Has anyone been in a similar position before? Moreover - has anyone been able to find a part time or full time job that doesn't exasperate your anxiety? I am just looking for ideas and a little guidance.

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Hey, I’m a 24yo i suffer from panic attacks and have so since I was 15, I have been on medication since I was 18, fast forward 6 years they have lost there effectiveness, I have severe panic attacks, scared of getting the flu and dieing, but my main ... View more

Hey, I’m a 24yo i suffer from panic attacks and have so since I was 15, I have been on medication since I was 18, fast forward 6 years they have lost there effectiveness, I have severe panic attacks, scared of getting the flu and dieing, but my main issue is FEAR OF CARDIAC ARREST! I have upped my dose last week, This fear has only been about for around 5 months, I hardly leave my house because of the fear of collapsing and dieing! I won’t go out unless I have my partner with me, he can’t leave me home either because I’ll freak out, he’s my safety net at the moment ive been to the hospital for my panic attacks obviously & they did blood tests and a EKG and said it was all perfectly normal, I know deep within that it’s highly unlikely for me to have a cardiac arrest, but this fear just takes over, and my best friend google (yes I know, I shouldn’t) doesn’t help with more information on cardiac arrests other then, “it happens at any age, anywhere and to anyone, even the healthy young ones” like obviously, BUT how often!? How often does a 24yo with low blood pressure, low cholesterol, a smoker, no known heart related issues in my family history in Australia? Rare right? Yes. But HOW RARE?! Rare as in 2/3 a week? 1 a year? It’s a constant thought all day everyday I’m exhausted! I’m emotionally & psychically drained. Also I do see two different psychologists, none seem to be helping me with this. They just tell me everything I already know really.. Thanks for reading guys!!! Looking forward to all your replied & help