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My anxiety and symptoms.

Community Member
My anxiety is very weird. Mainly because I'm still trying to believe that I have anxiety. The doctor or should I say doctors have diagnosed me with anxiety. I have really bad symptoms. Such as trouble breathing, irregular heart beat, blurred vision, always tired and my main symptom is ALWAYS being dizzy and lightheaded. Feeling like I'm spinning and about to faint. I keep telling myself I'm dizzy because of something else. Like I have something wrong with my brain or cancer or something. It's such a horrible thought. I've been referred to a specialist. Even though my doctor said it's anxiety. I feel like I have no reason to have anxiety. I mean I'm not depressed. To be honest, these symptoms are what make me depressed. I just want them gone. I see a psychologist but it isn't really working. Is there anyone else who sufferers or has suffered the same symptom as me? Dizzy, sense of spinning, feeling like you're going to faint. Please tell me if it's really anxiety. 
7 Replies 7

Community Member

It does sound like you have GAD - Generalised Anxiety Disorder or Panic Attacks. U need to go to your GP and get a mental health assesment done then they can refer you to a psychologist who can help you more with why u feel the way u do. Also getting your blood tests done is a good idea to check that ur not anemic and your thyroid function is working well. Also having a CT scan of your brain is also a good idea especially if your dizzy very often and/or get headaches quite frequently. I had these done and they all ame back normal which is usually the case with anxiety/depression symptoms. A lot of doctors think its "all in ur head" but its actually because the chemicals in your brain are inbalanced which brins on the physical symptoms if that makes sense. Hope u get the help u need and if u need anything we are here to help. Take care 🙂   

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ruota,

Chloekat has given a very solid response. Dizziness can come hand in hand with Anxiety. You also don't have to have depressive symptoms to experience anxiety. Is there something worrying you at the moment? Often anxiety breeds anxiety. We can feel anxious and the symptoms can be so overwhelming that this in turn causes further anxiousness. 

How long have you been seeing your Psychologist for? What strategies have been suggested? What's difficult to accept is that it takes time to minimise the impact of anxiety symptoms on our own quality of life. But it can be done.


Also following up with your doctor is very important. If your not happy with how they are treating you or just constantly sending you home with medication etc and ignorin your issues you need to tell them and be firm. You can get help from this and yes it does take time but keep telling yourself you will be yourself again in time. Just take it one day at a time. Thats all i can do atm. Good luck

Community Member

Hi thank you so much for your reply and help it means so much. I've been to 6 doctors and I'm so over it. All I keep getting back is anxiety anxiety. I made one send me to a specialist which I will be seeing soon. I really hope it is anxiety rather than something worse but I don't know how to deal with it. I'm seeing a psychologist but it isn't helping. I just want to go back to living my life as normal with out this stupid symptom 😞 not sure what else to do 

Community Member

I honestly am not worrying about anything beside my anxiety. I've been doing the muscle relaxation technique but it isn't helping 😞 just want the dizziness gone nothing is helping and it's hard to distract myself from it because I'm constantly dizzy. I really hope it's anxiety and nothing worse however I don't know how to cope with it 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ruota, 

I can hear your absolute frustration. The waiting must be difficult.  The Dr has diagnosed you with anxiety, has s/he prescribed any medication for these symptoms? I understand that you would want to see a specialist and get a second opinion. It will be good to rule out anything physical. Have you considered seeing a Psychiatrist if things aren't going anywhere with the Psychologist? 

Is there anyone close to you who you're able to talk to? This would be difficult to go through alone. I really encourage you to keep posting, even if just to vent. We are all here for you and are hopeful that you will get some relief very soon. 

Hang in there.


I agree with you AGrace. If only just to vent talking about things makes it less taboo and you feel a little better knowing others understand where your coming from. I also agree that if your psychologist appts arnt working then you should ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist as it called be due to chemical imbalance in your brain and a specialist can help with medication and treatment of that. I know it sounds bad but me personally i would rather i find out i have something physical because then they can help you with it. Its when its mental thart is harder to contain and manage. Plz feel better soon. xxx