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Medication for Physical anxiety symptoms

Community Member

Hi, I’m a late teen and in my early teen years I went to a psychologist for a while for my anxiety. I struggle mainly with social and performance anxiety, but when I was younger, my main issue was the immense worry and anxious thoughts. I went to my psychologist for about a year and then I stopped, and honestly my anxiety has gotten much better and im able to regulate my worry.

However, i still struggle with physical symptoms of anxiety, like trembling, heart racing, voice shaking, dizziness, when faced with situations like public speaking. But the thing is, I don’t feel like i worry beforehand or anything. It’s like i can’t control my body from experiencing these symptoms, even if my mind doesn’t feel anxious. 

I’m wondering if medication would help me. Should I go see my GP and is my GP able to see if it will help? Or is it a long process for anxiety medication, or will my GP refer me to a psychiatrist? Any other advice would be helpful 🙂

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


By all means go and see your GP.


I had anxiety that once produced such pains in the chest my GP believed I had a heart attack. I took meds and saw a therapist but I knew that I had to also make changes to my life and lifestyle to rid myself from the illness. 


So many changes I made to my life and it is all in the first post of the following thread. I recall 22 years later when I realised I had completely removed all anxiety and it was an amazing feeling. It might not take you that long, improvements come over time.








So there is a multi pronged way to rid yourself of anxiety which is a serious illness that often leads to depression.



I also experienced similar symptoms especially hands trembling, voice shaking, and sweating, which obviously had the effect of making me feel a lot more anxious and self-conscious. But anti-anxiety medication for me has been extremely helpful in reducing these physical symptoms. It isn't a particularly long process to get prescribed medication. My GP was able to prescribe me medication without needing to see a psychiatrist. The main factors are finding the right medication and dosage that works for you. 

Thank you for your reply. I completely relate and its great to hear that anti anxiety meds have worked for you. May I ask if you take maintenance medication or as-needed medication, like beta blockers? I have booked an appointment with my GP and I have done some research, so I am open to any advice 🙂