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:( major anxiety attack

Community Member

so hard to breath cant work out if i want to cry or vomit or just sit under my desk and rock  so over the ups and downs .

I felt fine this morning but bam i find out my husband has his last day of work today 

and now i am in a mess . he is such a good man and works his butt off but still cannot find any workobviously that causes all sorts of problems for us as his self esteem has been

this year was supposed to be our year and it has turrned into the worst year of my/ our life

just dont know what to do any more so sick of constantly having to fight so hard just to live surely it was never meant to be this hard not that i expect to breeze through without a problem in the world but a slightly easier road would be great to find if only for a little while . sorry if this post seems vauge and if it does not make sense am finding it hard to type through the flood of tears is appearing to be troublesome


4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi fifi

I used to have severe anxiety years ago. At 58 it has subsided a lot. Techniques were learned and age helps. Try to think of the worst case senario. Lose your home? your car? your family etc. Then work your thoughts back from there. It can help.

This modern age has some pro's and con's.  30-40 years ago a lot of people had the security of permanent Govt jobs. Union clout. We could live off one wage. We even had the permanent interest rates on home loans. Now its all guess work, luck, more stress, the need for two cars, more regoes, insurance, bills, even our electricity is open slather with different companies. I mean you have to be a business operator to make sure you are getting the best deal with these things.

So anxiety..... another word for "worry". And worry in non productive. Meaning it doesnt produce anything meaningful to fix a problem. So your body reacts to problems...often in a manner that is over the top and unrealistic. So to reduce anxiety one should firstly get things into perspective. Ask yourself "am I exagerating things?"  What is the worst thing that can happen here in this situation?.  Secondly one should attend or practice relaxation techniques. If you dont want to learn them then her eis a quick run down of one technique.

Lie down, start tensing up muscles starting with your feet, calves, thighs etc, one at a time for 15 seconds...even your face. then relax. Then tense all muscles up for 20 seconds.  You should be relaxed. Good to do prior to sleeping.

Anxiety can be a serious illness. Best to take it seriously and be in constant contact with your GP.  Good luck

Thank you white knight i have implemented the above strategies 🙂 i feel better than i did 🙂 it helps some times to be able to read your feeling if that made sense ??

As for my dr i have made and appointment to have my meds reviewed (i feel they need to be increased if only for a little while .Unfortunatly i have suffered a nervous breakdown so as much as i am on the upside there are still things that set me off as i am sure that everyone can relate to 🙂

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply i very much appreciate the information and support 🙂



white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

You are welcome fifi.  Triggers that you mention....I have them often.  An old girlfriend is mentioned by a relative and it fires my mind up.  We have to identify them, place them in a mental basket and be ready for when someone or even ourselves, grab them.  Then try to take it in a more relaxed manner.

You seem to be on the right track.  Take care.

🙂 back at ya 🙂