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Help! anxiety and relationships

Community Member
Hi everyone
I have a tough situation with my partner for 5 years and I need some understanding.
My partner suffers from anxiety, she has had this diagnosed and has been on medication before. She was told that she was a rare case where her anxiety levels were off the charts but her depression levels were very low. She came off medication after a few months as she didn't like the way she felt and suspected she still wasn't happy with her life but couldn't truly feel that as it was being masked by medication.
She is a long term marijuana smoker since her very early teens and now uses that as part of self medicating for anxiety. It's worth noting I don't smoke and her smoking has led to a few minor issues.
Since having our child 2 years ago our relationship has been patchy, We have both made mistakes but not those uncommon to many relationships. I feel I have been very patient and forgiving with her, while I don't feel I've been afforded the same luxury.

Recently her anxiety has snuck in to our relationship. Our bickering over small things has made her fearful of even the smallest argument. This I believe has led her to start to become anxious about me calling, messing and coming home. That in turn has made her anxious about whether our relationship is right for her and now we are in a vicious circle. She says she loves me but doesn't know if she is 'in love' with me.



1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there and welcome to the forums. 

Sorry to hear that you're dealing with a pretty trick situation with your wife. I'm glad that you've felt comfortable to seek some extra support,  and hopefully in turn better support your wife.

It sounds as though there's a culmination of things impacting on her mental and emotional state. 1. She's experiencing severe anxiety. 2. She's relying on marijuana for relief. 3. She feels she has some underlying pain. 4. She feels like some cracks are showing up in her relationship.  5. She has a child to consider through all of this.

My best advice would be to focus on one thing at a time. Are the effects of the marijuana impacting on the way she cares for your child? If so I suggest you start here. Would she be willing to do an outpatient rehab program? That way she can get support as well as be there for your child. 

If the smoking isnt having a huge impact then perhaps start with the anxiety with the aim of exploring together all of the treatment options available. Medication can be extremely helpful however there are various types,  and it can take some time before finding the right one. Speaking with a Psychologist or counsellor is another option and speaking with your GP would be a good place to start. There's also relaxation and exercise like yoga that can be of help.

With regard to your relationship getting her through this time will take a lot of tolerance on your behalf. You're right it is normal to have some arguments in a relationship but if she's starting to feel uncomfortable with these it could be that too many discussions are resulting in fights. It can be really challenging when you want whats best for her, but she cant see that for herself. Try to be supportive of her choices, as difficult as this may be.

Both of you dont have to go through this alone so invite her to seek some medical advice with you.
