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Community Member

How to feel welcome , not finding anyone I can trust to talk out my thoughts always feel people are looking through me, never feeling good enough to be in people’s life’s . Feeling dumb and unappreciated. Trying to stay positive with no support, fighting my battles alone . It’s Hard ! 

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear lonely_076,


We would like to give you a warm and caring welcome to our forums….I am certain that you will feel very welcome, appreciated and cared for within these amazing forums….the community members are beautiful and caring people…


We are here for you if you feel up to sharing a little about yourself, only what you want to share, no pressure…


I came to these forums sad, lonely and depressed, the people here have become “family”in a way, and a huge part of my life..


Please lonely, try hard to remember that you/we are enough, your more then enough, you’re very appreciated, cared for and we all want to get to know the part of you you want us to..


Sending you my kind thoughts, care and a welcome hug…because you are important to us…you matter to us and we are here for you…





Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello lonely, it is unfortunate when you feel this way, but it's certainly not uncommon and many also have had this feeling, because people seem to deny you the respect you need and refuse to accept that you feel this way and when this happens, it only pushes you further away.

Please know that you have all the support here and if I can ask you to see your doctor, then they can put you on a mental health plan, which entitles you to 20 Medicare paid sessions talking with a psych and hope you can start your treatment as soon as possible.

Please getback to us whenever you can.


Life Member.