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Health Anxiety

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I have always suffered with anxiety but it’s never consumed my days. My usual anxiety episode would last 5-10 minutes and not come back for weeks on end but for the last 3 months I have been having anxiety attacks everyday and lasting an hour or so. For the last 3 months with my anxiety it has turned my stomach away from food, to the point I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I have 5 comfortable foods I eat everyday but for the last 3 weeks I have been introducing new foods as requested by doctors. Every time I try new foods I have a sensation food is stuck in my throat or that I’m choking hours after I eat which is really irritating me. I read that anxiety can cause a lump sensation that mimicks food being stuck in the throat? I want to know if anyone else suffers from this sensation and ways to cope with it. The sensation of choking happens hours after I eat my food, and I’m trying to tell my body that if I was going to choke it would be instantly not delayed by hours. 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi xx00,


I am sorry you have been experiencing anxiety! However - you and me both! My anxiety sounds similar to yours - when you feel anxious your chest tightens and you can find it hard to swallow due to your body entering a sort of panic mode! I am glad you are listening to your doctors, I found that the more I faced my triggers, I was able to overcome my anxiety quicker. Are you seeing a psychologist? They will be able to help you with some strategies too. What you are telling yourself is a great method - you are rationalising your thoughts which is important, because anxiety symptoms include irrational thoughts and excessive worrying! If you can try to get your brain to remember that these thoughts are not rational - that is a great start!


I hope things improve soon

Jaz xx