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ice pick headaches

Community Member

Does anyone suffer from ice pick headaches? They can occur a few times a day, hard jabs that last literally 1 second? I had a traumatic event at work back in Oct and have had them since. Been to dr got checked out, but still worry about them. I googled headaches and anxiety and it described similar headaches. My headaches have dissapated over time, sometimes 2/day. Alao recently nearly went three days without one. But then I think getting better and it comes back. Literally i can think gee had not had headache for a while and 5mins later it happens again. Also watching something stressful on tv I think triggers them. If I am busy/ having fun they disappear. Anyone had similar?

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Traveller, what did your doctor say about the headaches? Are you receiving any treatment after your traumatic event?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey Traveller,

Yeah I get them as well but the frequency seems different. I get a bout once every few months (so I guess I'm due now!) and they seem related to stress. But sometimes I'm not stressed and I get them? I don't know.

For me, they hit every 5-30 seconds. The 5 second ones are the worst. It feels, to me, like a tiny brain thing got twisted 3 full rotations in a millisecond so it snaps me right out of whatever I'm doing. When it's the 5 second one, I can't do anything because of the frequency. I can't work, I can't do my hobbies, I can't watch TV or even play video games. It's a real bummer!

I've had a scan that showed nothing and blood tests also showed nothing. I did find that hot showers helped so sometimes if I can bother, I get a hot towel and put it over my head/neck. But I have to keep reapplying every couple of minutes or its not hot enough.


No treatment, only to destress. I feel like have calmed down but they reoccur daily. They only last 1 second. The dr thinks they will just disappear over time. I keep thinking about them whether occur or not. If busy dont get them. I think its all in head literally as they come and go, particularly if stressed. i try to stay tranquil. Traumatic event was being potentially made redundant and then restructure was stopped at 11th hour. I got really worked up about it.