
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Share your own story and learn about other member’s experiences with anxiety.


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Chris_B Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newb... View more

Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our community champions work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist. To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is give support to receive support. Being a good community member means: participating in different threads (not just your own), replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and... posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out. You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. “I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.” Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you on your journey.

All discussions

Louisiana11 Anxiety and work issues
  • replies: 3

Hello all, this is my first post here! I am a full time uni student who recently requestsed more part time hours added to my work contract. As my anxiety and depression have been under control for quite some time and I thought I could handle it with ... View more

Hello all, this is my first post here! I am a full time uni student who recently requestsed more part time hours added to my work contract. As my anxiety and depression have been under control for quite some time and I thought I could handle it with the extra hours came more demands than I expected and now I'm back in the pit. I can sleep, my anxiety has fully taken hold again. to me uni is my number 1 priority, so I know I need to ask for a reduction in my working hours. now I'm stuck in this awful head space, I'm terrified of asking for a reduction in my shifts incase they don't take it well, but I can't keep living like this as it's effecting everything in my life if anyone could help me out, that would just be amazing thanks

McCraggen Ross River virus triggering major anxiety
  • replies: 1

G'day guys, A few weeks ago i was diagnosed with ross river, but since then i cant stop worrying theres something else wrong with me, all my bloods came back normal (twice) and i have had an ecg. I dont know what to do now, i feel like im losing it a... View more

G'day guys, A few weeks ago i was diagnosed with ross river, but since then i cant stop worrying theres something else wrong with me, all my bloods came back normal (twice) and i have had an ecg. I dont know what to do now, i feel like im losing it a bit. Any help would be amazing!

blackandwhite Struggling to find motivation: panic disorder, agoraphobia and generalised anxiety disorder.
  • replies: 6

First time poster here, desperately seeking out words of encouragement! Recently I was officially diagnosed with panic disorder, agoraphobia and GAD, although I have been struggling with it for years. I have learnt to manage the anxiety to an extent,... View more

First time poster here, desperately seeking out words of encouragement! Recently I was officially diagnosed with panic disorder, agoraphobia and GAD, although I have been struggling with it for years. I have learnt to manage the anxiety to an extent, but lately the agoraphobia and subsequent panic attacks have become debilitating. I struggle to catch the train and often have to get an all stops train in fear of being trapped, extending my daily commute to 2.5 hours each way- a trip which usually takes an hour. It is becoming exhausting and effecting so many aspects of my life. I have attempted to use the meditative devices my psychologist has suggested but these seem to fail, making me less inclined to try as I am scared of failing. I'm becoming her disheartened and feel like this is consuming my life at the moment as I'm struggling to stay on top of studies simply due to attendance. I am also struggling as I know my issues are effecting my relationship, my partner tries to help by being understanding but it's so hard to explain these things to people as I fear I sound irrational. I am determined to finish my semester of study without withdrawing, so I am posting today to get some words of wisdom or encouragement from people who have overcome acute agoraphobia or panic disorders. I want to know what your tips for having a successful journey/overcoming a panic attack or your biggest success story.

Franco Alleviating physiological impact of anxiety
  • replies: 5

Hi all, I suffer from what I would describe as a mild degree of agoraphobia and social anxiety. When I am doing something other than what I do day to day my anxiety triggers and causes physiological impacts to my body. The flight or fight reaction ca... View more

Hi all, I suffer from what I would describe as a mild degree of agoraphobia and social anxiety. When I am doing something other than what I do day to day my anxiety triggers and causes physiological impacts to my body. The flight or fight reaction causes me to feel like vomiting and a need to go to the bathroom constantly with something not far from diarrhoea. What is worse is that when I start to feel even slightly anxious my appetite goes out the window and the thought or even the action of putting food in my mouth can make me gag. Unfortunately the lack of food in my stomach no doubt contributes to the sick feeling! I'm currently of the belief that a lot of my anxiety and fear is that I will be stuck in a situation where I need to vomit or go to the bathroom and can't escape. As you can see, with all of the above considered it's a self-fulfilling cycle. After some CBT with my psychologist I understand the need for exposure therapy to combat this (it's certainly easier said than done!!) My question however, is does anyone have any suggestions for alleviating the stomach pains / upset stomach feeling / something to settle my stomach? I have a theory that if I can calm my stomach a little bit I will be able to have a real solid crack at consistently exposing myself to situations I know will make me anxious and therefore dampening my anxious reaction to these situations over time. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

SSJ Engagement Nightmare
  • replies: 6

The other day was my engagement party. Something that I was looking forward to but also dreading. On the lead up to this I have had many issues at work regarding an ex-employee making false accusations about my company and myself. It has cost a lot o... View more

The other day was my engagement party. Something that I was looking forward to but also dreading. On the lead up to this I have had many issues at work regarding an ex-employee making false accusations about my company and myself. It has cost a lot of money and time and emotional distress, cased by someone once called a friend. Engagement party was going fine, until I had to give a speech. Just thanks for coming, that type of thing. Well I had told everyone I did not want to do a speech and I was not expecting to have to. Until the microphone was handed to me.. I ended up rambling in front of everyone I know about nothing, stuttering. tried thanking someone for there help and got there name wrong. then tried to correct it and made it worse. After this I basically through the microphone and ran. I do not remember all of what happened to tell the truth. I tried to stay calm for the rest of the event but some people did comment on it. Later at the end of the night I was trying to make a joke but because my mind was locked in fear still I said something completely wrong and then again tried to fix it and said it wrong again. Since then I have locked myself away in my house in embarrassment and reliving the nightmare in my head over and over.

3cats Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts about Someone
  • replies: 5

I'm happily married but my husbands exes name keeps coming into my thoughts. She's no threat at all and the thoughts did go away until a week before our wedding I saw her looking worst for wear as karma is definitely catching up with her for all the ... View more

I'm happily married but my husbands exes name keeps coming into my thoughts. She's no threat at all and the thoughts did go away until a week before our wedding I saw her looking worst for wear as karma is definitely catching up with her for all the things that she's done to people but it's never been directed at me but I constantly think about her. Even on our wedding day. Her name was going through my thoughts. It's causing me so much anxiety and stress going through this again. Has anyone experienced this at all? I'm trying to be positive and turn my thoughts around into feeling sorry for her but I can't, as she's told so many lies and I shouldn't feel anything at all or even think about her as she's nothing to me so I need to retrain my thoughts again where she's irrelevant to my thoughts and my life again.

AnxiousAndy The physical side of anxiety
  • replies: 6

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety for a good portion of my life with my anxiety being quite high the past few months due to life changes, such as a new job. I am taking medication. The medication has certainly helped me cope day to day, however I o... View more

Hello, I have suffered from anxiety for a good portion of my life with my anxiety being quite high the past few months due to life changes, such as a new job. I am taking medication. The medication has certainly helped me cope day to day, however I often wake up with several physical signs of anxiety. Not only do I have sleeping issues (every night = frequent waking, waking well before my alarm; most nights = trouble falling asleep), but I also feel nauseous, nervous/panic and lack appetite. This happens every morning leading up to work. I was wondering if there is anything people know of that could be helpful managing "in-the-moment" anxiety. I have tried mindfulness, breathing exercises, writing down thoughts, exercise, questioning thoughts, trying to change my focus... I feel like I have exhausted many of the common actions, so am wondering if anyone has had success with a certain OTC medication or herbal supplements/teas (I often enjoy a peppermint tea)?

Courtz_45 Anxiety attacks make me exhausted?
  • replies: 11

Hi, I literally woke up a few hours ago and due to not eating as I have barely any appetite I woke up shakey and anxious - now I don't know if it's cause my blood sugar levels were down or what but I got up had some juice and a few bites of toast. Af... View more

Hi, I literally woke up a few hours ago and due to not eating as I have barely any appetite I woke up shakey and anxious - now I don't know if it's cause my blood sugar levels were down or what but I got up had some juice and a few bites of toast. After that I felt better, but now I just feel extremely exhausted! Is this normal to feel exhausted after an anxiety attack? I think i feel so off to because I started medication two days ago.

Lm587 Trying to understand
  • replies: 1

Hi, i have recently started getting what I feel is anxiety. my doctor has not yet diagnosed me with this but is going through the usual blood tests and heart rate monitor test. Im not sure exactly what it is but I have mainly only had the feelings at... View more

Hi, i have recently started getting what I feel is anxiety. my doctor has not yet diagnosed me with this but is going through the usual blood tests and heart rate monitor test. Im not sure exactly what it is but I have mainly only had the feelings at night time or when haveing dinner. I feel they are not triggered by thoughts as I could be laughing a a tv show then suddenly feel the nervous belly coming on. It has lessened over the last month but not completely. I have these feelings almost every day. Is this anything anyone else has experienced at night or just me ?

Nervybella Needing help feeling flat
  • replies: 9

Hi guys, Just struggling with feeling really flat. A bit of background... Got a new job at the start of this year, it was awful and I resigned after like 2 weeks. Was unemployed for around a month before landing another job. I really like this job an... View more

Hi guys, Just struggling with feeling really flat. A bit of background... Got a new job at the start of this year, it was awful and I resigned after like 2 weeks. Was unemployed for around a month before landing another job. I really like this job and have been here for a month now, everything is going well but the last few days I have been feeling really really flat. nothing can cheer me up and I'm just on the verge of tears. I have a terrible headache and all I want is to be at home. can anyone help with some techniques or even just some reassurance? Feeling lost at the moment Bella