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I've just been diagnosed with anxiety

Community Member

I'd had enough. Today I felt like I was going to shatter into a million pieces and remain broken on the floor. My latest panic attack was worse than any I've ever had before -  I  couldn't breathe  properly, I was sweating profusely in an air conditioned room , my clothes felt too right across my chest, I felt hot... Too hot,  black spots blurred the edges of my vision and I felt like I was going to  pass out or my heart would stop..

 I could no longer cope with the panic attacks and the constant feeling of being anxious by myself. I am currently studying a health degree and had been aware for quite some time that I had the signs and symptoms that are directly related to an anxiety disorder. I couldn't admit to myself or anybody I care about that I am struggling and in denial of my anxiety disorder. Even now as I type this I'm in tears. What does this mean for my future? Will it ever stop or can it only be managed.... Why me?

Denial is the silent killer of all mental health related illnesses. . . So why am I unable to reach out to my  partner, friends and family for some support.... I'm too anxious to tell them.. Too anxious of feeling judged .... Thinking about it is making me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack... 

I've been given a prescription and awaiting to hear from a psychologist for an appointment schedule...I'm already thinking what is my excuse to my partner for coming home from work  late one day a week to attend appointments... II don't know why I'm typing this  just venting how I'm feeling... I'm lost and lonely and not feeling ready to anybody yet.. Can anyone give any advice on how they told the significant people in their life?

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lulu

I'm sorry you are having such a bad time with your panic attacks.  I totally understand what they're like; I;ve had a few while driving home having to call 000 for help.

I started to see a psych for work related stress. After a few sessions I had memories of being sexually abused as a child.  I couldn't tell my husband or parents, so i continued my weekly psych sessions telling my husband it was work related.

After about a month of sessions on my own I decided to tell my husband.  I told him by asking him to come to a session and I had written a letter to him,  I read the letter to him while my psych was in the room.  It was very emotional but i am glad i did.

I think you need to tell your partner because it's hard to hide it from him.  He will support you, he will help you.  It's good that you are going to see a pysch.

It's really okay to speak out about mental illness, don't be scared, you will be okay.

I hope you can come back on and let us know how you go.

Pls take care


Community Member

I to suffer from anxiety,took about a year to figure it out,thought the nausea was a physical problem.no way can you do this on your own,your partner must know something is wrong and I guarantee if you tell him what your going through you will have a huge giant weight removed from you......I've been on medication 3 weeks and had my first visit to a therapist and I'm telling any body who wants to know about it what's going on.....specialy my wife......tell him today......he probably knows anyway.