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I'm thinking of running away

Community Member

I've been diagnosed with serve anxiety and panic disorder since all these I have also started to get OCD.

I get anxiety over how my anxiety is impacting those i love and i constantly feel guilty as they did nothing wrong to deserve to be treated the way i can treat them.

I'm at the point where i just want to run away so i can stop hurting the ones i love.

Please help.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Jars123,

Welcome to the forums.

Anxiety is so awful. Sometimes I want to do anything to get away from those anxious feelings.

Unfortunately, as I'm sure your aware, running away won't solve anything. The anxiety just follows you. Plus you would probably hurt your family more by leaving then staying.

i know what you mean about hurting others though. I feel like I constantly let down my family and friends by cancelling plans last minute or refusing to go somewhere loud & busy because of my anxiety. I often wonder if they would be better off without me. But when I talk to them about it they are always understanding and would rather have me here as I am then be without me. I'm sure your family feels like that too.

I assume since you said you've been diagnosed that you are getting support from a doctor or psychologist?

Kind thoughts, Jess