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How to cope with retail job?

Community Member
So I have a new job in retail and I'm finding it really difficult. So far I've only had 4 shifts and each one I get home and burst into tears. Today I had a panic attack on the way home and ended up hyperventilating pretty badly. I don't know if I can handle it and I don't know what to do. It requires a lot of customer service which I'm fine with and Actually like talking to and interacting with customers but it's more that fact that I'm too shy for the job apparently and it's the management that stresses me. I can't get any more confident even though i'm essentially faking being confident and it works but apparently that's not good enough and I'm trying 200%. So I don't know what to do I took this job to practice socializing and gain confidence and challenge myself but so far every shift I break down after and I can't possibly try any harder and it's not good enough.
4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Anonymously me hi I have worked retail, and service inedistery. Depending on which job and which manager and which customer is before you can change the hole conversation. up to 180 degrees on one conversion I have had one customer every time he came into the shop be angry and abusive especially toward me. Often people thought we would come to blows. One day I bumped into him in the street started a normal conversation with him he wound up asking how close it was to me actually hitting him. My response was no way not even close he was not worth loosing my job. and for me it was just world championship wrestling in a coffee shop where there is a lot of yelling and threats and no one relay gets hurt. It just kept the other regular patrons laughing and running book on who was oing to explode first. well the shop was closed down.

What you have to do is find away of keeping the customers happy as well as the managers which can be impossible each manager wants something a little different.


The customers are happy with me they've even thanked me for my help a few times and one even went and said to my manager how much a great help I was it's more that everything I do I get criticized for like everything. I cannot physically be more "Bubblier". And I don't like the idea of not being myself I feel like customers prefer people that are genuine.

If your manager is the problem try to not pay them mind. only the important stuff safety and important work related who ever is above your supervisor will see who has net worth as has happened to me the supervisor got fired i got the supervisors job and pay rise without applying for it. the down side the company went under ( Bummer)


Community Member

Hi there!

Twelve years of retail experience under my belt, thought I might be able to share some thoughts 😊

First off, don't be too hard on yourself. Retail is tough. You really can see the absolute worst of people in the role. But on the bright side, kill them with kindness, and they're the ones frustrated as they failed in getting a reaction out of you (and have absolutely no grounds to complain).

I'm a manager now, but I've learnt that it's much better to just be yourself rather than fake 'bubbly'. Customers can tell when you're trying too hard. When I sell, I'm friendly but straightforward. I often find that most people respond well to that better. eg. Friendly, open questions like "How's your day going today? Anything fun planned?" Followed by a minute or so letting them have a look around at their leisure, then "so what brings you in today?" I guess I like to serve how I myself would like to be served. Makes it feel more genuine and honest (which it always should be).

Retail is challenging, but you'll find that it will make you much more resilient to negativity, as well as allowing you to talk to almost anyone with ease. That's the definite upside, I've found 😀

Hope my input helps!

Andy 🔘