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High functioning anxious people.

Community Member

I am not sure why I am writing this.

Maybe because I am a high functioning anxious person. It is something I can do when I feel that something needs to be done.

I would like to hear from other high functioning anxious people.

How do you cope? How do you deal with the need to do something when there is nothing to be done.

78 Replies 78

Happy New Year dear Moon.

It sounds like your work is causing you a lot of stress and very little, if any, job satisfaction.

I understand you are staying out of a sense of obligation. Perhaps you could consider the obligation you have to yourself to stay well. Your boss is not being respectful of your health with overloading you right before surgery and xmas. Perhaps it is time to bring your resignation date forward. While it will be hard to do, try and picture the relief you will feel once the obligation is removed.

The start of a new year is always apt for reflection. Perhaps you can write a list of your own goals then consider anything that is preventing you from achieving those and then consider how to address them. For example; Goal: reduce anxiety. Constraint: Current employment. Mitigation: Resign

Goal: Lawn Bowl Tournament. Constraint: Health Issues. Mitigation: Reduce Stressors (see goal 1); Continue medical support; Exercise etc...

Carol xx

Hello my dear mate.....so good to talk again. I was wondering if you were OK or in bad pain and resting....is the New Year (a Number 1 year so the numerology experts on here tell me) looking a bit brighter for you ?- you certainly deserve it.

Oh boy, your letter sounded so organised, so sensible, so structured - "Goal, Constraint, Mitigation" - I am impressed!! everything you said is probably right on the money - will I take all your advice? of course not - you know what a gutless wonder I am! (I don't know what most of the big words mean anyway..LOL)

Well, you see I am hoping the Christmas Fairy or the 2017 Fairy will wave her wand and have the boss tell me the sad news that his business is not doing well enough to continue this year (well it ISN"T) and I will pretend to be shocked, disappointed and sad and so grateful for our long association etc...(I can just SEE myself can't you?) and I'll be off the hook!!!! He will break the bad news to ME...not the other way round. (toldja I was gutless)

Re the lawns bowls tournament....haven't even tried out for the team yet..(a mere formality, given my exceptional gifts on the green) but I have been practising on my own at home. The budgie is very impressed - the neighbours think I have gone a bit mad (but they have thought that for a while now I expect).

The try-outs are coming up very soon....I will keep you posted. (Remember, this particular position on the team consists of a lot of "sitting down" so that's a relief for this old chook!)

We will talk later.....this post will be too long soon - seriously, thanks for being there Oh Carol....luv from me x

A chuckle Pixie? Go for your life...chuckle away.....course I am not offended.

If I can bring a little mirth into someone's day, so much the better.
"Tomorrow is another day". Did you realise you quoted one of the most famous last lines of a movie ever?Scarlett O"Hara said in Gone With The Wind, as she lay crying in tears at the foot of that enormous staircase....she raised her head valiantly and whispered through her tears ".....etc etc etc..after all, Tomorrow Is Another Day".

Here's another quote from Secrets and Lies..."Ah ya gotta laugh, else y'd cry!"

My last two posts sounded a bit flippant and light hearted enough to be in the Social Section I suppose. However they got on here and sorry if a bit misleading. I don't feel all that happy go lucky at all actually - probably me just putting on a brave face or whatever I dunno.

I was wondering about this thing called Anxiety - does anyone know what causes it? Is it curable or just manageable? Are some people without it completely?

Why do seemingly simple everyday tasks and happenings just roll off the shoulders of one person - and yet cause another equally intelligent person to be overcome with fears, doubts and over-thinking "what if this happens, what if that happens?".

I am staying at my sons place to look after grand kids for a few days and wracked with anxiety about it! His wife has had bad depressive episodes (on meds now and am told they did improve her situation) she secured a part time job during the holidays, hence my needed to watch the kids at this time.

My son tends to keep everything inside - their house isn't really big enough for overnight guests. Last time I saw them there was much tension and unhappiness in the family - it was quite awful. I won't have a car so getting myself in knots working out where to take the kids,how to keep them occupied, how to treat their mother (walking on eggshells )

I'm anxious about what to pack, what clothes for which days, what if I have an anxiety attack in the unfamiliar big city huge shopping mall - most importantly how do I hide my anxiety and any rising panic from the children?? I don't want them to see me like that! they need to have confidence in me!

This situation most people would take in their stride....why am I so weak that I am frightened of it??

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moonstruck

I can relate totaly to your experiences in that post.

you did ask

Is it curable or just manageable? Are some people without it completely?

And I'll try to give my version of the answer (YMMV obviously)

In a funny way I could be regarded as a 'test case'. Prior to my mental inquiry in the police I was a little sensitive perhaps, though an awful lot did roll over me without a thought. Looking back I thing there were others even more 'ard boiled' or callous'

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Moonstruck -the NBN gremlins struck and my post ceased half-way

Here is the full unexpurgated text:-


Dear Moonstruck

I can understand where you are at with ease.

You asked: does anyone know what causes it?is it curable or just manageable? Are some people without it completely?

In a funny way I could be regarded as a test case similar to an experiment - though with a sample of only one and no control.

Prior to my mental injury in the Police I would have regarded myself as normal, perhaps a little sensitive, though an awful lot simply rolled over me. I knew some who were 'callous' in the extreme

So to answer the last part - I would not be surprised if there were some

After my injury (stress related disorders PTSD chronic anxiety) My level changed completely and I became, amongst other things, ultra-sensitive.

So to answer the first part - One thing that can cause it is a mental injury like mine -PTSD for short.

If I look back on the late 70's to today I'm not cured BUT I am an awful lot better than I was -out of sight in fact.

This may partly be due to the length of time involved, partly to very outdated psychiatric help and medications, partly to management techniques and to some extent very modern medication used in a specific manner.

To answer the middle of your question - I have not found it curable, but manageable - manageable enough for life to be in the main wholly enjoyable.

Interestingly enough I downloaded and read a short inexpensive book recommended by White Rose, it is

Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World by Ilse Sand and was surprised at how high my sensitivity level had become. I found it a helpful and interesting read.

My answers above are no doubt not exactly what you'd like to hear, however at least you do know there are others that understand your situation, which if I may say so takes a measure of bravery to deal with as you do

My best wishes


Speaking of Gone with the Wind, i read the book last yrfor first time. It was quite good and different from movie. Scarlett often said "Tomorrow is another day", throughout the book, often when the present was difficult to deal with. She just got on with day to day as best she could and kept going, lessons to consider...

Yes the book had a lot more events in it than the movie didn't it? I have a feeling it was the only book Margaret Mitchell ever wrote...ever! isn't that amazing? I may be wrong.

Going to see my grandchildren until some time next week everyone.....so wish me luck..hope I survive and that I do everything right! So you won't be hearing from me for a little while.

(fancy getting anxious about something like staying with family that I love so much....this anxiety really makes me frustrated and angry with myself sometimes....how do weak people become strong? I am ashamed of myself for having this "condition " if that is what it is. What a weak role model for my own 2 sons I must have been - and now for these two precious kids - I WANT TO GET BETTER!!

Hello Moonstruck,

Thanks for being here and I hope you have a good time with your grandchildren. I am sorry you feel ashamed. I hope your sons appreciate you for who you are.

OMG.... Often worrying I'm not doing a good job (even though I've always achieved high), or that friends aren't happy with me, or over analyse every text and conversation. It's draining!