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Health Anxiety struggle

Community Member

Hi everyone

A few months ago i suffered really bad panic attacks and had a few trips to the hospital as i thought i was dying over an ilness in particular Cancer. After multiple doctors appointments i had blood work and brain scan done which all came back negative. Even though the doctors have told me there is nothing physically wrong i just felt off or not myself but couldn't pinpoint why. I was then medicated and have been seeing a counseller for a few months now and have improved drastically. However i still suffer with strange symptoms even though i don't feel anxious, some of the symptoms include

ringing in the ears(mainly at night) bowel issues, cold chills, random back pains, tiredness and fatigue that comes and goes. And sometimes find myself not being able to recognize my surroundings.

I try to tell myself there is nothing physically wrong but i cannot stop worrying that it is something else that hasn't been picked up yet.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bennyboy and warm welcome to our forums

It's good to hear you are seeing your doctor, a counsellor and getting tests done to work out what could be happening to you. Then coming here to share your story - you are making such great steps for yourself!

Worry about one's health is not unusual. There are many of us who do that. Generally I find there is an underlying reason for my worrying. E.g. doing something that is out of the ordinary, like - travelling, going to a seminar, arguing with my partner.

Is there anything you can think of that is making you worry?

There are many of us here who have health anxiety. Feel free to browse and to join discussions if you want. No pressure.

Kind regards


Thanks for the reply pamelaR.

It all started with a sore back which striked fear in me because i had a family member pass away from cancer when i was younger and he complained of having a sore back before being diagnosed.

I had no idea what Anxiety can actually do to your body and i was certain i had a serious ilness.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bennyboy

Thanks for getting back. I understand how having a sore back could trigger you, especially when family members have had cancer and passed away. It is frightening isn't it? On the other hand, it is pleasing to know that all your tests came back negative. That is very good news for you.

I know what you mean about having no idea anxiety can be so debilitating. For me, I was quite old when the doctors picked up I had anxiety! It explains all the illnesses I've had in my life that the doctor could find no cause. It was always put down to some - 'viral infection'. All those symptoms you listed - chills, fatique, tiredness, ringing in the ear etc are things I've suffered from on and off for years and years.

Lets hope that the work with your counsellor will improve some of the symptoms you continue to experience. Feel free to browse and to join discussions in our forums. There are some very useful tips on managing health anxiety.

Kind regards
