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Health Anxiety Ruining Me

Community Member

Hi all,

Been a while since I have been on the forums but I just needed to talk - my health anxiety has completely taken over my life, I have recently just had my girlfriend break up with me due to how stressed I have been these past few months with health related anxiety, I have had countless doctors trips, constantly seeking different doctors to get re-confirmation that I am ok, I have had numerous tests done and still the second I feel a little symptom, it flares right back up and I cannot focus.

I was working just last night until late on my computer and my arm and leg was really itchy, i was scratching quite hard, I then looked down at my arm and it was yellow like a big bruise, I freaked out thinking it was something like jaundice as I have had liver problems before. I went and saw my doctor this morning who told me it was not jaundice. I am in a severe state of stress and anxiety and have been for the last 3-4 months and I am just not myself. Which has led to my relationship now ending due to my anxiety and stress. I have never had this happen before but it is an eye opener and I know I need help.

I just want to know how others have dealt with health anxiety and looking for constant reassurance because I just feel there will be no end to this and I can't keep going on like this as my life is becoming not enjoyable.

Thanks for your time.

My best,


6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi BballJ,

Im really sorry you are going through this I understand how difficult it is to deal with.

I’m sorry your girlfriend broke up with you, sometimes it’s hard for others to understand what we are going through unless they have been through it themselves.

I also suffered with health anxiety I’d have a symptom I’d worry it was something really bad, I’d go to the doctor to be told I was ok but I’d still obsess over symptoms…….then I’d forget about that symptom and move onto another one and the same cycle would repeat.

My anxiety became severe…. it then moved onto intrusive thoughts….

I seeked professional help for what I was experiencing starting from my gp through to a clinical psychologist and psychiatrist…. I was diagnosed with OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder… it’s a anxiety disorder .

I did an 8 week group therapy for what I was going through… it was an intervention into the OCD…….. It gave me the tooIs I needed to master my OCD.

I have been free of the vicious cycle of OCD for over 4.5 years now and life couldn’t be better.

Im not a doctor and I can’t diagnose but I highly recommend you see your gp and do a mental health plan together this will enable you to see a psychologist….. please ensure you see a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist they can diagnose a normal psychologist can’t.

You really can recover from what you are going through.

I have written two threads you may be interested in reading

From someone who suffered OCD and recovered

Effective treatment for OCD Metacognitive Therapy

Please know I’m here for you, please ask me any questions and chat to me anytime.

You can recover from this with the correct help.

Community Member


I am currently struggling with the same issue and there doesn't feel like there is an end to it. It is exhausting. I feel for you and anyone going through this!

I'm currently unable to work and am working with a Psychiatrist to look into treatment options. We will get better- it will take time. Hang in there

Hi Searching for hope,

Im sorry you are also feeling this way.

I think it’s great that you are seeing a psychiatrist.

Have you ever thought about asking your phyciatrist about OCD?

In my lived experience of severe anxiety OCD I had all of the above that Jay has mentioned.

There really is hope! I’ve now recovered from my condition and life couldn’t be better.

I understand how exhausting this is.

Hang in there and please ask me any questions.

Hi Petal22,

I speak to my Psychiatrist today, so will definitely see what she thinks.

It's so hard as it is so consuming and tiring. They talk so much about triggers but I feel like everything is at this point.

How long was your recovery if you don't mind me asking?

I know it's different for everyone but it feels like I've been like this for forever. I have been in psychiatric care for almost 2 weeks now and seem to be getting worse

Hi Searchingforhope,

Yes please mention it and let me know how you go if you can…

Do you feel as though you are stuck in a never ending thinking spiral in your mind?

OCD is a vicious cycle…. But if it is OCD you can learn all of the things that keep you in the cycle and then learn how to disengage from them….. which will dramatically drop your anxiety…… the further we get into our cycle the higher our anxiety gets…..

There is hope for you….. hang in there

I was in the grips of severe Anxiety OCD for quite some time but that was before I received the therapy I needed to be able to master my condition…. I was given all the tools and skills I needed in therapy my therapy was Metacognitive therapy it was an intervention into the OCD……… it took me time to practice the skills I was taught after about 12months I had perfected my skills and mastered my OCD. so now I no longer get caught up in OCD s vicious cycle …..I’ve been free of it for over 4.5 years….

I also felt very consumed and exhausted by my condition it was unrelenting at times….

With OCD our vicious cycle can consist of having a lot of what if thoughts? Questioning the thoughts, analysing the thoughts, we sometimes have mental compulsions ( I had these) they weren’t visible to the eye but I was doing a lot of them mentally so this contributed to my exhaustion, sometimes they are physical compulsions, we seek re assurance as a compulsion and dr googling was also a compulsion of mine.

Please come back to me and let me know how you go…… I’m sorry to hear you feel you are getting worse but if it is OCD once you get the correct help recovery really possible.

Ive written two threads you may be interested in reading

From someone who suffered OCD and recovered

Effective treatment for OCD Metacognitive Therapy

All the best for your appointment hang in there and hold onto hope.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jay,

Someone once told me an old friend is a good friend.

I'm sad to hear of your struggles & that your gf broke up with you over it.

I haven't had health anxiety & can't imagine how difficult this is for you to occur out of nowhere. Any idea what has triggered this? I'm thinking therapy is your best option.

Have you considered this?
